
Oh my gosh, I just wanted to tell you that all of your stories are amazing. You are amazingly talented at writing in that way that I’m constantly deeply invested in what’s happening, and I simultaneously hate and love your endings, they have really great timing, but I crave more of the plot. Anyway, I hope you continue further on here, as I have trouble accessing AO3.


Hey, I just came to tell you that I am in love with all the books you published on wattpad. Thank you very much for writing them. I will definetly reread them in future and I am already looking forward to do so. You are a fantastic author. Thanks a lot 


@RosaSiara thank you, I appreciate that ❤️


Did you write Tea and No Sympathy? It's a drarry story.


 LOL it's OK what I meant was I don't have the premium upgrade so instead of bookmarking it I have to download it or says download for me to read itI was just wondering did you write about Draco turning into a cat and Harry took care of him?


@lily-pad13 Glad you liked it enough to want to download it to keep! Sorry, probably being dim, but I don't know what you mean by a 'downloaded group'. If you want to share it, that's wonderful, but just the link, please, rather than reuploading the whole story somewhere else. Thanks :) :)


 Ok thank you so much I actually looked all over Wattpad for it and asked other authors of they wrote it and they said it was on AO3 so I downloaded it and put it on my downloaded group