
Happy birthday Harry! Thank younfo nwverything you are truly fantastic!!!


Ok I know this is random but I’m back!! (To all of 1 person who follows me thank you) And I’m going to post a new story about soulmates it is larrie stylinson it’s like you can’t see color until you meet your soulmate in person (I got this idea from YouTube ) and it’s like if you don’t see color by the age of 30 your declared in lovable and harry is 21 and Louis is 29, they both think they are unlovable especially considering Louis is well hella famous. Yeah that’s what the story will be


@Ilove_lou28 thanks and I feel like that at times to just rennet there is always someone for you.


@wasawsome324 sounds like a good story plot. But just imagine being unlovable, I feel like that sometimes


I’m so sorry I have been gone for a while but I just can not do it there some stuff that’s happened recently and I’m tired. I don’t want to talk about and I hope at least somebody gets it. If you don’t get it then just spam me and I’ll explain thanks!


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Ok so Ijust went to check my notification and like every thing was erased and so I’m mad also in like a week I will be changing my smut book name to larrie instead Larry because I have friends who annoy the fuck out of me and don’t realize I’m to lazy to back and change so it please like give me a week or two


Well that aged well oh well


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My computer got fixed like a few weeks ago but then I lost it at my friend and i’s apartment  and then she found it but I was at my girlfriends house which is like an hour away from her house and I was staying there for two more weeks and I just got back to my apartment and my friend and I had to look for it and for some reason it was in a fucking book. Anygay I got it back and wrote the new part sorry.


Hello I know I don’t have like any followers and no one is interested in my story but just wanted to say that I need to get my computer fixed so I can edit and post some of the drafts I have an that you so much for 83 reads on the book thank you also who else is still in shock about the Grammys like I’m never going to get I’ve that


I know I am a little upset he didn’t win best music video but that’s just me being obsessed so yeah