
/ ROBIN RETURNS, cb and specify.


*     ATE     &    LEFT   NO  CRUMBS  BEHIND. 


    *      @warwills.
            YOOOOO.    I  FORGOT   TO  FOLLOW  EARLIER   &    lost   your   account.    had   a    moment   of  panic    thinking   i’d  never   see   your    acct again.   gee.   but     bet,   bet.    imma   drop  it       rn. 


@hyrded  /  bless frrr, your acc is fire asw. totally down for an inter whenever as well 


*    we    should   interact   sometimes,    if   you’re    ever    up   for   it,       i   got     THAT  medieval  crusader  (knight). 


/ ROBIN RETURNS, cb and specify.


did i startle you,   mr. temple?


me?  no.   [ deniz takes a seat in the row behind him,   eyes wandering around to take in the interior of the space:   the arches,   the nave roof,  the ornamentation,  the stain-glass windows  —  all distinct features of gothic architecture coming together in a glittering assembly.   this was one of the (very) few times she finds herself in a church,   and it was her first time being in this one specifically. ]   i’m only here to meet up with one of my friends.   they mentioned something about needing moral support.   i’m either really early or they completely forgot about our meeting.


@lacrymosas   not at all. * a smile, brief as it were. gotham's cathedral was akin to a catacombs. a dark, shadowy web that threatened to entangle those that stepped within: yet here matthew was. dressed less formally, in a dark bomber jacket and trousers with a silver crucifix hanging lowly from the base of his neck, he'd keep the holy texts secured by his side. in any circumstance, he seemed so uniquely put together. * i didn't expect anyone to be here right now, though. are ... you a churchgoer, by any chance? 


let me do that.  you’re stressing me out.
          /   bully bonding weird worm idk buzzwords Mattsierra


this message may be offensive
oh?  you got a little crush?     [ sierra lifted an eyebrow,  closer to matthew now than she had ever been  (save for beating the shit out of him,  or “teaching” as she liked to call it,).  her eyes didn’t dare stray from the wound on his shoulder,  dare she betray the affection she had begun to feel towards him.  RELUCTANT affection,  mind you. ]     not surprised.  with all your brooding i wouldn’t be surprised to find out i’m the only girl you’ve ever spoken to.


@nemeseias  .. alright. * she didn't seem as if she'd particularly mind that, but matthew decided not to comment on that as she drew close. he was uniquely resilient in a way that disturbed gotham's underbelly as well as sierra herself; he just kept coming forwards, no matter who or what tried to offset him, which intertwined himself and the bat in a way that spelled a convincing doom to the enemies of their cohort. the armour robin wore was just south of them, on a mannequin. * deathstroke was looking for codes to a safe. i spoke with someone at the scene. a girl—your age, i think.


[ sierra spent a lot of time,  totally normal,  healthy time,  watching him & waiting for him to slip up,  hoping for any excuse to prove his incompetence and get him kicked out of here for good.  unfortunately,  he was pretty much perfect,  perhaps a little too violent at times but it wasn’t like she could take the moral high ground there.  preaching to the choir.  sierra stood,  shaking her head as she stepped over to inspect his wound up close, ]    i do.  otherwise you’re going to bleed out or something.


relax.  it's just a really realistic prop. 


it's my favorite holiday,  and unfortunately i can't really trick or treat anymore. 


how’d you get that one?   it looks recent.


i’ve been there since the start of my intern year.   today officially marks two years since i moved to gotham and started working at the hospital.   [ more like surviving the hospital and all its craziness. ]  i thought i would come down here and unwind a bit as a sort of celebration.   although. .  it certainly doesn’t feel like two years.   time is strange like that.   [  time sped up and slowed down at its own terms,   especially in the hospital.   it didn’t help that she spent most of her time there  —   the days blurred together. ]   what brings you here?


@lacrymosas   it's alright. * her expression was one he was used to. looking back with honeysuckle eyes, he let ring encrusted fingers interlock with one another as he tilted his head inquisitively, again.*  how long have you been with gotham general? 


oh,   i think i heard about that yesterday from one of the attendings.   [ more like she overheard it.   when asked for her name,   she gives the faintest of smiles  —  mostly because she doesn’t have the energy or reason to offer a bigger one. ]    demir.   deniz demir.   it’s a pleasure to finally meet you,   mr.  temple,   though this isn't the most ideal way to meet you.   [ definitely not.   not even close.   she could’ve avoided this if she’d recognized him earlier prior to making conversation. ]


if you're going to throw up please use the bucket.


i think a few horror novel writers are from here,  usually when they get rich enough they move out.  [ she takes off her blood stained gloves to replace them with clean ones, ]  i'll have to ask the detectives if they found anything like a tape.  usually jigsaw would leave tapes explaining how escape his traps for the victims and usually they're easy to find. 


@bloodlett  no, but i see what you're getting at. surprised more horror filmmakers don't take a round trip to gotham. the inspirational possibilities are endless. * his  nose wrinkled, but he kept his eye on it, careful. *   it almost stands out. whoever wanted to make a statement knew what they were doing.


[ she resists the urge to make a four eyes joke with a slow nod, ]  actually i've seen it before ..  in a movie.  franchise.  the saw series if you're familiar ?  


you were talking in your sleep last night.


@nemeseias i'll take your word for it. * he would join in the laughter briefly, preceding another sip, * wouldn't be surprising, though. you somehow find a way to be stunning even when you've just woken up.


pfft,  it was just something real vague about how beautiful i am,  how amazing and kind and how much you love me.   [ she laughed,  not that it was funny,  just that she thought she herself was, ]    no,  but seriously,  it was nothing to be concerned about.  i would’ve woken you up.


@nemeseias  thank you. * matthew smiled at the gesture, then at her teasing, although she wouldn't see it since his head was planted firmly atop his elbows. shifting so that his eyes were visible to her at first, then righting himself completly as his fingers wrapped around the mug and the coffee was raised to his lips..*  well, yeah, si. i'm a little curious now. 


now’s not a good—   oh,  it’s you.


no,  it’s fine.   [ closing the open case file in front of her,  she leaned back in her chair,  fingers interweaving and sitting delicately in her lap. ]   are you after the DA?  he’s down at the courthouse.