
uhm ... h -hi , you’re c - colin right ? 


            * she watched him put her handkerchief in his own pocket before she slowly nodded her head , a smile tugging at the corners of her lips *  okay , b -but only if it’s not too much of a burden for you.  * at his request , her eyes grew a little wider before peering over her shoulder as well , silently wishing their fellow gryffindor good luck *  you mean skip t - the rest of class ?  i d - don’t know , what if we get in trouble or what if he notices we’re gone ? 


@shyestbravery   ❨  †  ❩
               *   an  adventure  which  involves  exploding  cauldrons  ,  it's  bloody  brilliant  .  i'll  give  you  that  .  *  he  gives  a  small  smile  before  slowly  putting  her  handkerchief  into  his  own  pocket  *  don't  worry  about  it  —  i'll  take  care  of  it  .  gives  us  a  reason  to  hang  out  outside  of  class  .  *  he  peers  over  his  shoulder  at  snape  ,  who  had  gone  off  to  scold  another  gryffindor  *  while  he's  distracted  ,  want  to  get  out  of  here  ?


            * after he had told her that he wasn’t hurt , she couldn’t help but to look over him silently to assure herself that he really was okay before letting out a soft chuckle *  maybe , i - it is.  i guess as long as we’re paired u -up for potions it’s just k -kind of going to be an adventure untill it e -ends huh ?  * she told him before looking towards snape over her shoulder to see him still wtiting on his papers before turning back to colin *  oh n - no , that’s fine.  i can j - just wash it with the rest of m laundry later t - today. 