
My fav author just followed me back lemme go cry and maybe go to sleep to see if it's just a dream :""""")))))


@awwwniey_ kxosoxoapa YEONJUN 


@awwwniey_ u r welcome :)))))


@MysterySender yessss thank youuuuu


hi, came here to personally thank you for the follow! <3 i'm pretty sure you might be looking forward to my upcoming works, so, yeah, thank you sm! it really means a lot to me. i promise not to disappoint you. 
          have a nice day ahead! 
          x elara
          ps. your pfp is mood haha. 


@elarawrites thank you to you toooo looking foward for it!!! :)


My fav author just followed me back lemme go cry and maybe go to sleep to see if it's just a dream :""""")))))


@awwwniey_ kxosoxoapa YEONJUN 


@awwwniey_ u r welcome :)))))


@MysterySender yessss thank youuuuu


If you could only sense how important you are to the lives of those you meet; how important you can be to people you may never even dream of. 
          There is something of yourself that you leave at every meeting with another person.
          -- Fred Rogers --
          Good morning dear. Open your eyes, lights on and smile brightly!
          I pray you will have such a nice day and still smiling eventho world turns it back on you! I know you're strong bbg! Hwaiting!
          La tahzan innallah maana! Bila kau sedih, ingat allah. Everything happened for a reason. And setiap benda yang kau buat tu, masing-masing ada kebaikan dan keburukan. So, yea, pandang yang positif je kay.
          Much much much love from a lovely person to another lovely person ❤️❤️❤️
          Enjoy ur day, oni ❤️


@aeyfaah caiyang wapaaaa ❤❤❤


초륵이 찾이을 고요한 언덕
          The sleeping hill awaits the pure green.
          봄이 곧 시작딜 느낌이 들어
          The feeling calls that spring will soon be here pristine.
          넓은 하늘 모두 두 눈에 딤고 뒤들이
          I let the entire sky flower in my sight. I let the world behind me spin.
          할깍 읏으며 꿈을 꿔
          I let my smile and my dream take wing
          널 워해 아주 큰 집을 지을 거야
          Let me build a huge house for you.
          산책힐 정읜도 가꿔둘게
          Let me make a garden to walk in for you.
          더운 여름이 다가오기 전
          Before the hot summer arrives,
          사계절 언악을 맺을까
          Shall we make our vow of the seasons?
          펄어진 끛잎이 쌓여가며
          Petals cascade in velvety ocean.
          가을이 천천히 저믈어가
          The fall fades in lazy motion.
          색색 딘풍을 두 눈에 담고 뒤들아
          I let brilliant leaves color my sight. I let the world behind me spin.
          살쩍 꿈음 꾸었지
          I let my dream leave a small knock in my sleep.
          바다 앞 작은 쁠장도 즐래
          Let me build a tiny beach house for us.
          파도 소리 들으ㅕ 잠들도륵
          Let me make you a haven to bask in the wave's lullaby for us.
          겨울엔 새하얀 눈승이 한기득 바디에 쌓이겠지
          And sugary snow would frost the whole sea in winter.
          띠뜻한 자를 마시는 계절
          The season invites us for a cup of hot tea.
          세찬 바람이 물러기도록
          Before the chilling winds scorch our hearts cold,
          사계절 언악을 맺을까
          Shall we make our vow of the seasons?
          언젠기는 멀리 여행을 가자
          Let us one day go far away.
          정원의 끚은 잠시 뇌두고
          Let us one day leave our garden's friends in rest and wait.
          바다 넘어서 닟선 곳으로
          Let us on day cross the sea to the lands mystic and strange.
          널 향한 난 강한 사계절 끛
          I am an everlasting flower, wide open for you from spring to winter.
          널 향한 난 강한 사계절 끛
          I am an everlasting flower, wide open for you from spring to winter.


"Remember, you have been criticizing yourself for years, and it hasn't worked. Try approving of yourself and see what happens."
                  - Louise L. Hay - 
          Start loving yourself bb,
          You're perfectly imperfect,
          Those flaws don't and will never ruin you,
          But they build you to be someone stronger. 
          Even if you're wrong, 
          Even if you're broken, 
          Even if you're full of flaws, 
          I would never leave you babe, 
          Remember that okay! 
          Thanks sudi kawan ngan aku and nite nite oni ❤️


@awwwniey_ nak balas i luv you too tapi nanti bakalu suami marah hmm :-/


@aeyfaah I luv you <//3


Sometimes being mature doesn't have anything to do with age.
          Watch me being childish fighting over ice cream at the age of 30


@wauniey_ my pleasure dear <3


@wauniey_  yes ofc thanks for asking


@wauniey_  you okay gurl?