
The EST timezone deadline for the ONC means that I have till the early morning to submit my entries, according to my timezone.
          	It was 5.30 am, the house dead silent except for the clicks of the keyboard as I type furiously to meet the deadline for my 3 stories(yeah brave or stupid I don't know). I was near to giving up so many times that night just in the span of a few hours, but I motivated myself to do this for myself. I knew I would never pass the 3rd round (way too many better stories out there) Hence I wasn't delusional but had good expectations for the 2nd round. Sadly 1 story didn't qualify after round 2.
          	Now, I do have a few words to say but anything I say now will look like a sour loser so I am gonna keep shut and focus on the 2 stories that did qualify after round 2.
          	Twist of Fate & Stumped have qualified in the Round 2 of ONC 2024 
          	Default Love didn't make it but it will always be special to me since it's the first time ever I dabbled in Science Fiction! 
          	Anyways hopefully I can focus on why I even joined the contest in the first place - To get motivation to write and finish all those story ideas that sparkled in my mind.
          	Wish me luck! 


The EST timezone deadline for the ONC means that I have till the early morning to submit my entries, according to my timezone.
          It was 5.30 am, the house dead silent except for the clicks of the keyboard as I type furiously to meet the deadline for my 3 stories(yeah brave or stupid I don't know). I was near to giving up so many times that night just in the span of a few hours, but I motivated myself to do this for myself. I knew I would never pass the 3rd round (way too many better stories out there) Hence I wasn't delusional but had good expectations for the 2nd round. Sadly 1 story didn't qualify after round 2.
          Now, I do have a few words to say but anything I say now will look like a sour loser so I am gonna keep shut and focus on the 2 stories that did qualify after round 2.
          Twist of Fate & Stumped have qualified in the Round 2 of ONC 2024 
          Default Love didn't make it but it will always be special to me since it's the first time ever I dabbled in Science Fiction! 
          Anyways hopefully I can focus on why I even joined the contest in the first place - To get motivation to write and finish all those story ideas that sparkled in my mind.
          Wish me luck! 


Thanks so much for adding GOODBYE YELLOW BRICK ROAD to your reading list! ❤️ 


@wanderlustdamsel Aw! That's so great to hear! TY! ❥❥❥


@elle-blair You're welcome! I had a great time reading it! 


Loving Me hit 1k reads today!!! It might not be much in this world of millions, but for me it means everything! ❤️ Watching that counter slowly increase day by day has given me a sort of happiness I can't explain 
          It was my very first attempt at writing something other than fanfiction, few olot lines very close to home and no doubt hours of hardwork. I won't deny it's not perfect and does require work in lots of places but still ✨


@wanderlustdamsel , @elle-blair , go all see the story of @mlk8400 .
            And do some pub , it s incredible


@wanderlustdamsel  I totally get what you're saying! Congratulations!!! ✨


Dude, we weren't following each other here...what in world we are living in


@Miss_SJ7018 That was a good world, reality sucks


thank you sm for voting on my memes! <3333


@bananamuffinz loved them! Looking forward to see more of them! ❤️