
Umm Eternity is nearly at 100k omg!! Thank you guys so much 


@voldysparklyeyes  congratulations you deserve it


You guys... Guess who's nearly done writing the last few chapters of Eternity?? 
          Honestly it's really sad for me to do this as I've invested so much time into the book and I really have grown to love it but I know you have been waiting over two years now for the end and in working hard to finish soon that way I can release chapters consistently
          Thanks for your patience as always 
          With love, Amanda xx 


Oh my god I’m gonna cry


Hoping to update this week ;)) I'm so sorry for the absence I genuinely have not had a day where I wasn't doing something in about 4 months now so its been very disconnected every time I got the chance to write a paragraph but I just need to finish a bit off then I'll post it asap I'm planning for tomorrow night but we'll have to see how tomorrow goes  thank you for sticking with me 


this message may be offensive
I couldnt make this shit up even if I tried  so this morning my mum told me that not only was my aunt also in hospital but so was my granda. They both have covid but my aunt has threw up so much that she has ripped her windpipe and my grandas heart is all over the place they both should be okay but there's so much going on rn


I was woken this morning to bad news followed by another piece of bad news, my uncle who I was very close to had died during his sleep and that the house next to me had been egged. I spent today talking to the police since I heard it and think I know who did it, helping them clean up and just being there for them while helping take the younger kids minds off it as they were all in the house when it happened.
          Because I'll be helping my neighbors and mourning another loss of someone really close to me I don't know when I'll update again, it may be this time next week.
          Thank you sm for Ur love and patience 


Oh no, I’m hopping that everything we’ll be fine your everyone in your family, your always free to dm me.❤️


@voldyshinyforehead Hey bubs, I pray that everything gets better for you and your family. Ik its gonna be hard and your uncle is irreplaceable. I cant imagine the pain. If you need someone to talk to, you can always dm me. okay?


Hey everyone so next week is the last week of exams which is amazing but unfortunately today I received news that my grandmother passed this morning. She had cancer and tried to fight it but the treatment was doing more harm than good. She lived in Australia so I wasn't able to see her as I'm in Europe.
          But I'm hoping the first update in over 2 months I think will be next Thursday or Friday :))


@voldyshinyforehead No worry’s! Like i said I’m here to talk no rush!


@JuneDaSimp thank you so much xx


@voldyshinyforehead Oh no! I'm here if you need to talk ❤  No need to pressure yourself!♥ 