
Why tf are the accusations back again? Telling that I wrote short skirts by copying someone else's work? 
          	Here's the thing guys. I do take inspiration from Jikookie17 and her writing style. Yes my Teacher x Student romance was inspired by one of her books which isn't available here today. BUT!!! the storyline and the plot and the ending is NOWHERE, I say... NOWHERE similar to her book. There's so much possibility that one or two chapters can be similar to other authors because YES WE THINK THE SAME. That girl who is calling me bad names asking me to take down my book, she hasn't even read the entire story but has been taunting me since MONTHS. Istg if my books gets taken down, its gonna hurt me really bad. I spent YEARS to write that and plot down a good story and writing then beautifully. If I had copied a book like she claims, it would take only days or weeks to complete it. But I wrote that all by myself. I just hope nothing bad happens. I spent my heart and soul writing this and its my first ever book so it holds special place in my heart. I cannot handle if anything bad happens to this book.


@tuliptae_ thank you for understanding! ❤


@viviebookhouse Author don't listen to them those who are fan of jikookie17 can clearly see the difference between both books. I am also her fan but this book is nowhere near her book. Everything is different. Sure the inspiration can be seen but both books are different. Its really bad to accuse someone of copy writing without even reading the whole book. I just finished your book as I saw people talking about it that you stole her book. Everything is different. For those who don't know her PRIVATE TEACHER is available on inkitt. 


Why tf are the accusations back again? Telling that I wrote short skirts by copying someone else's work? 
          Here's the thing guys. I do take inspiration from Jikookie17 and her writing style. Yes my Teacher x Student romance was inspired by one of her books which isn't available here today. BUT!!! the storyline and the plot and the ending is NOWHERE, I say... NOWHERE similar to her book. There's so much possibility that one or two chapters can be similar to other authors because YES WE THINK THE SAME. That girl who is calling me bad names asking me to take down my book, she hasn't even read the entire story but has been taunting me since MONTHS. Istg if my books gets taken down, its gonna hurt me really bad. I spent YEARS to write that and plot down a good story and writing then beautifully. If I had copied a book like she claims, it would take only days or weeks to complete it. But I wrote that all by myself. I just hope nothing bad happens. I spent my heart and soul writing this and its my first ever book so it holds special place in my heart. I cannot handle if anything bad happens to this book.


@tuliptae_ thank you for understanding! ❤


@viviebookhouse Author don't listen to them those who are fan of jikookie17 can clearly see the difference between both books. I am also her fan but this book is nowhere near her book. Everything is different. Sure the inspiration can be seen but both books are different. Its really bad to accuse someone of copy writing without even reading the whole book. I just finished your book as I saw people talking about it that you stole her book. Everything is different. For those who don't know her PRIVATE TEACHER is available on inkitt. 


how tf can u copy someone's work,dont u have any shame?! b!tch take down your book SHORT SKIRTS!!! its written by jikookie17 just because her PRIVATE TEACHER isnt available here but on INKITT,u think u can copy??!!!


@crystal_2612 and the way you're speaking to me calling me names is so disgusting. Without even reading my book how can you just come at me like that??? No I'm not taking my book down. I spent my time and effort into this. You can check the dates since when I published it. If I had to copy someone else's book I could've done it within days or weeks but I took months of my time to plot out MY IDEA of this book. Please read it FULLY and then judge me


@crystal_2612 excuse me? I take inspiration from her but I never had the intentions to copy her okay?? Just because the story involves between a teacher and student just like hers, doesn't mean it's the same. There's hundreds of books with the same ideology. But istg my plot and story is totally different! Do not judge me without reading my book.


@crystal_2612 guys, imma big fan of jikooie17 also and if you look at “short skirts” it's clearly inspired by jikooie17 and her writting style etc but she didn't copy it, i briefly went through the chapters and it's different.


I just took part in a fanfiction awards and... Praying hard lmao. As per y'all reading and enjoying my book, it gave me the confidence to go out there and apply for this . Thanks for all the support and I hope you all will keep supporting me and encourage me to write. 



you are amazing author. I just going to finished Short Skirt story but i wouldn't hold back myself not to come to share my experience about your books. I just want to say it was Ravenous Masterpiece. Can't wait for you upcoming romantic jungkook x yn story. Love you. Keep going like that.



@ggukie_tae I'm trying my best to find time but I'm in uni now and things are getting busier so... I'll try my best to update when I'm free. 


Btw when are you gonna update?? hehe 


In hopes that my work will reach more audience, I started to post reels on Instagram. So if you all don't mind, help me out with this please. Also if y'all have tips for the reels to reach more views, drop them here. And the account name there is charviewrites 


@btsfangirl_7592 thank you so much. Happy that you loved it ❤️❤️