
I am alive, hello. It's been a while since I've been active because I am in my most important year of high school, which would be junior year. I've improved my grades a lot from what they have been in past years and I'm really proud of myself for the milestones I've reached this year. If you guys want I can update voicemails or fade away, but those updates will be sparse. I'm spending 2 weeks in France in April and am planning on carrying a notebook with me everywhere I go there, so I may get inspired and surprise you with new story during the Summer. You never know. Anyways thank you for your continuous support! :)


I am alive, hello. It's been a while since I've been active because I am in my most important year of high school, which would be junior year. I've improved my grades a lot from what they have been in past years and I'm really proud of myself for the milestones I've reached this year. If you guys want I can update voicemails or fade away, but those updates will be sparse. I'm spending 2 weeks in France in April and am planning on carrying a notebook with me everywhere I go there, so I may get inspired and surprise you with new story during the Summer. You never know. Anyways thank you for your continuous support! :)


I feel super bad that I've only just updated TAAR you guys. I'm sorry that it took so long, I got caught up in school stuff and then I started having some problems, and even during the summer I had trouble writing and focusing, and I thought I was going to update in August or September but then I realized that school was harder for me this  year than it has been ever, so I've really been struggling, also, in october I got into a major fight with one of my friends and lets just say we hate each other now I guess... It's kinda a rough and sore spot for me, but thank you so so much for being patient and waiting for this update, sorry that it's not more, but I made it all that I could after spending 9 months away from the story. Anyway I might be working on someone else, I'm not sure yet, i need some time to think of ideas but keep an eye out for it! I love you guys thank you!


hey guys ! I'm sorry I haven't update since like May:( a few people have requested that I update or do a sequel, and I don't have any ideas for a sequel but I will update soon! it might just be an epilogue to wrap everything up but it's coming I promise :) love you all so much TAAR has made so much progress! I can't believe I have over 8K reads!! you guys are amazing and thanks for reading and voting and commenting because reading your comments always makes me smile! I rarely have computer access so I can't respond to your comments but just know I love hearing from you all<3 H


I was worried you havent been on since May since that was the last time TAAR was updated last! :( It was sooooo good and should be out there for people to read! Love it! Update soon! <3 xx :)


So yesterday I stayed home sick and I wrote another chapter of There's Always A Reason and I realized that writing it that certain way meant that there would only be like 3 parts left! It's unbelievable! I hope I don't offend anyone in anyway during this next part, it's meant to raise awareness against cyber bullying and hating on people over the internet so just think about what you're saying before you post it okay? There's also self harm  in this part, so please if you are uncomfortable reading please don't. I love you all! <3