
i started writing "meeting the dead" thinking it would be a complete fail, i didnt think people would like it but in the week or two i have been writing it i have recived nothing but support and kindness. so to those people thank you.


Hey, I just read your book, meeting the dead... I liked the idea of the book... I hope you will expand it... It will be really nice if you make the chapter a little longer... Because your story line is great I think... Keep writing! I would love to read more of it... :) 
          (don't get offended... I just see your potential... That's why I was just suggesting.... No harsh feelings)


@monrooey thanks, it's nice to know that people enjoy my writing as much as I enjoy writing then, I'm trying to write every day, but I might only post every few days


@vincent_bathory I have read and and votes them... I actually did enjoy them :D


@monrooey I've finished 2 more chapters I hope you enjoy