
I am so sorry guys!
          My friends' exams r gonna start soon. So she can't write her part of the story which we had agreed on. After her exams r over n after we both finalize the alteration and day of the upload, we'll let u know.
          Till then Bye bye \(^~^)\
          Thnk u so much for showing all the love <3 ❤️


Hey bub ❤️❤️
          How r u doing


I'm fine... I barely am active on Insta 


It's been so long 


Hey Marshmellows!!! (Don't ask me y I typed that but welp!)
          I've just made a brief study on my college and working schedule and well, I'm so sorry to announce that Twilight may come to an end only after next year April or may be more than that.
          I know my updates are real slow but hey! I at least reached the 8th chap...
          2 more n the curiosities would be partially filled... Not the whole thing cuz I love cliffhangers ;)
          N that's it!!
          Have a nice day bubs!!! ❤️❤️
          Know that there r ppl who love u out there n will even die for u!!! ❤️❤️❤️
          Thnk u n Bye \(^~^)> 


@vibe_in_18 we will wait 4 u ..come back soon . Tc ❤️ 