
Taboo Confession chapter 4 is written. Now time to revise and edit, and then draw some art for it. After that, I'll get to work on another chapter of EreAnnie Business. Thank you for your patience. 


Hi. I just wanted to update the status here. I don't make full use of the 'conversations' feature so I thought I should do that now. I want to connect more with my followers and readers. As you know by now if you've read my stories or follow my twitter/deviantart/instagram, I concentrate on smut. Written or in drawings. There's a red flag for anyone who is faint of heart for erotic stuff. With that in mind, what do you think of my work so far? I have some worries that my chapters lately have been too short. I do that on purpose though. If I make my chapters long, I take so much time (Up to even a year) to finish them. I also have trouble deciding what to work on next. I'm not sure which of my stories people are more interested in. One thing is certain though, I just can't continue my "Annie's Mission" story for now. I have no idea where to go with it. It's the opposite with my other works. I know where I want to head with them, but I don't know which I want to concentrate on, or if I should cycle through them one by one. I guess I need some feedback from you, or else I'll just mindlessly work on things lol. I also have mini stories I want to do that correlate with my drawings, but I fear that would saturate what I have here. Again, I'd need to know how you feel about that. It would really help and I would really love it if you interact with me more. Both so I could know what directions to take and to have a fun connection with you all. Btw sharing my work also helps a ton, thank you. And if you may, go follow my twitter, deviantart, and instagram too. I greatly appreciate it. 


I'll be posting some smutty art like the cover for my AnniexEren story on twitter. You can follow me there if you're interested. My username is the same as here. @veykwon 


Ahh thank you for requesting that. I'll get right on that 


Make Nsfw stories again!


I thought I should update everyone on what I've been working on for here. I know a few people are waiting for Chapter 2 for my AnniexEren story, but I'm at a point where I don't know where it should go. I did work on it though, and eventually I'll finish, but for now I put it to a halt while I figure where I want it to go. Meanwhile, I'm writing a couple other stories. One is a Fullmetal Alchemist smut, and the other is a first person original smut. Yes it's all smut. You're here for smut. I shall give smut. Thank you all for being patient! I'll try to provide more juicy content soon. 


@veykwon Thanks for the info btw i made a AOT react to ships story can you check it out