
*to anyone waiting for an update* 
          	so i’m currently dealing with a break up and need some time to figure out who i am again, just know that with this story you’re all in for a ride. 
          	thank you for the understanding/ patience. i love you please take care of yourself. 


@joeyyyyyy101 thank you love!! needed to hear that seriously 


you’ll get through this babe!! take your time + all the space you need. you’re gonna be ok i promise <3


Hi! Thank you so much for the follow! I was wondering how did you find my account? 


@venxbee hey! That’s okay! Thank you so much!


            hi love, not too entirely sure <3 but glad i did your theme is vv pretty 


*to anyone waiting for an update* 
          so i’m currently dealing with a break up and need some time to figure out who i am again, just know that with this story you’re all in for a ride. 
          thank you for the understanding/ patience. i love you please take care of yourself. 


@joeyyyyyy101 thank you love!! needed to hear that seriously 


you’ll get through this babe!! take your time + all the space you need. you’re gonna be ok i promise <3


Hi lovelies, 
          I would reallyyy appreciate it if you checked out the prologue of my book! Of course you don’t have too lol but again it would mean the world to me <3 Have a good day, 


oh my god yes immediately 


so the “following” button is light purple now? 


            it’s so weird lmaoo


I updated the app and omg what is this 


i wanna make a book with a whole bunch of one shots because all i do is think about book ideas but never actually commit. sigh. 


exactly, i can think of good plots but never know how to fill them


            honestly same, it’s like i be having so much to say but idk how yk 


            awee thank youu <33


Trying is enough. you didn’t just stop or quit. you put in effort. how much doesn’t matter. what matters is that you did at all when you could have chosen not to. you tried. and it’s okay if you didn’t succeed. it’s okay if it didn’t go the way you planned. it’s okay if you didn’t get what you were hoping for. because in every failure, every mistake, every regret, every heartbreak, every mishap, there’s a lesson. where there’s a lesson, there is growth. and where there’s growth, there is light. even in the most negative, dark, hurtful situations.
          The secret to finding your passion is to start bringing passion to everything you do. No matter how small or big whatever you are doing is, do it like you really want to. That’s what creates excellence. And, great success.
          Thousands of candles can be lighted from a single candle And the life of the candle will not be shortened. Happiness never decreases by being shared. 
          -. Never stop dreaming. Combine with hard work, persistence, discomfort & faith, & you are on your path to great success.
          "Dear whoever reading this, 
          I hope that next year, on the same day, you'll be having a different life: more beautiful, more fun, more successful, more peaceful, and more passionate. 
          I hope that next year comes with all your secret prayers answered with what you've asked for or better than what you've asked for.
          I hope that next year you'll be living livelier and happier." 
          You know, it's okay to restart for how many times in your life—when you feel like everything's chaotic and messy, when things became out of your control, when you think you faced a dead-end, or whatever reason you may have, it's all fine to be back to square one again. It's way better than to stay still on where you are, and be stagnant; also a better decision than giving up. It's hard, so bring along some patience for yourself; you are growing, you are learning, and you need those experiences to survive. 


            thank you ❤️❤️ your kind words mean so much to me, also thank you for spreading such kindness online. i wish there were more people like you 