
oh jeez i forgot i had this account but HEY i'm so sorry for not updating player. summer happened and turns out im a lot more social than i thought?? yeah oops


so in case if you didn't read the latest chapter of "player". basically my laptop has been glitching and not really working. so because of this, updates will be postponed until i can fix my laptop completely. if i can't fix the laptop then i will still update on my phone, although the updates will be much shorter and will take a longer time to thoroughly update. i'm so sorry about this, like i didn't expect it to happen at all. i will try my hardest to fix it and we should all just hope for the best :-))
          much love, sarah 


hey so i'm rebooting this account. something will stay, and other's will change. as you might've noticed, i deleted the majority of my books (i actually unpublished them, so they might come back but i doubt it). in the moment of writing crossfire and notes, i was talking to friends that i'm no longer talking to. looking at the books just makes me unhappy and reminds me of when times were actually good. i'm sorry to whoever genuinely loved the books, if you would like to use the ideas of the either of them, then let me know and i'll help somehow?? anyways, i hope you all can understand this reboot as much as it makes sense to me for doing it. for now, it's spring cleaning of this account :-)