
Hey guys. I’ve been logged off for months and haven’t been on here since last year so I opened it to have 300 notifications x Just wanna say love u all


guys sorry I’ve been REALLY inactive on here. I’ve been struggling with mental health and my immune disease. ANYWAYSSSS IS IT JUST ME OR IS DRACO MALFOY LIKE HUBBY MATERIAL HES SO FIT AND PROTECTIVE he’s my mans bye bavk off guys. ALSO HAPPY NEW YEAR I’ve tried shifting as well to get away from all this stress of life and I was able to for like 2 secs so do any of u have any tips!? Love yall ❤️❤️


Read it all!
          If you were killed, I wouldn't be at your funeral.
          I'd be in jail for killing the person who killed you.
          We are true friends.
          We ride together, we die together.
          Send this to everybody you care about, including me, if you care # See how many times u get this #
          I want you to know you are an amazing friend, till death and forever.
          If I don't get this back, i understand.
          But I have a game for you.
          Once you read this letter
          you must send this to 15 people, including me
          If you get at least three back, you are loved.
          With love, send this to the 15 people
          A friend told me to do this, so past it on.
          Good luck


          Listen And listen good. And read the whole thing. I don't care how long it is.
          You MATTER in this world People CARE about you
          You are LOVED You have a PURPOSE
          Don't give up.
          It may not seem like it, but People SEE you More than that, they LISTEN.
          People HEAR you
          If you left
          People would notice I would notice.
          You are loved.
          You are beautiful.
          I love you.
          We love you.
          No one deserves to disappear.
          No one deserves to be forgotten.
          NO ONE deserves to fade away
          Know you can do this. 
          Know you are loved, seen, heard, noticed,beautiful.
          Throw away the drugs.
          Hand in the gun. 
          Put away the knife.
          Step away from the cliff
          Climb down from the tree.
          Look in the mirror. I don't want to hear,
          "I'm not pretty"
          "I'm fat"
          "I look terrible"
          "I'm ugly"
          "Everyone would be better off without me"
          I want to hear,
          "I can do this"
          "I look nice today"
          "My hair looks great" "My weight doesn't matter"
          Now, take off your makeup. Pull off the hat.
          Brush your hair out of your face.
          Do it.
          Look in the mirror.
          You see that?
          That is the person you are
          The beautiful person who matters. Who I care about
          So go, and do life. Because you matter.
          I don't know what I'd do without you. Don't say, "You don't even know me" Someone does.
          Someone cares about YOU,
          May that someone be me
          Or someone else There is someone out there who cares about you.
          Tag everyone you care about <3


Omg ily so much I needed that x




ngl having a rubbish day. my friends are cr@ppy and they forgot my birthday. my blood sugars are all over the place from being high to low so feeling rough. so basically imma spend my birthday doing some showjumping and dying my hair. fml