
I'm gonna release the chapter for born by the sea (tomorrow or two days depends), sorry I haven't done that but life got in the way and it wasn't my priority. However I did see someone literally copy and paste my book on ao3 with a fem Percy Jackson and I just can't believe it. I'm not that cut though because they couldn't emulate the aspects of my book they wanted in theirs. It was stunted writing, and if the person who is writing that book (I won't say your name...maybe I'll see how I feel after sleeping) sees this please, for the love of God have an original idea. I'll pray creativity hits you, alongside a lightning bolt.


@user12334155232 I'm so excited, will post today!!!!! please


I'm gonna release the chapter for born by the sea (tomorrow or two days depends), sorry I haven't done that but life got in the way and it wasn't my priority. However I did see someone literally copy and paste my book on ao3 with a fem Percy Jackson and I just can't believe it. I'm not that cut though because they couldn't emulate the aspects of my book they wanted in theirs. It was stunted writing, and if the person who is writing that book (I won't say your name...maybe I'll see how I feel after sleeping) sees this please, for the love of God have an original idea. I'll pray creativity hits you, alongside a lightning bolt.


@user12334155232 I'm so excited, will post today!!!!! please


I want to be a blood witch in the days of Old Valyria, an enchantress. Seductive and thrilling. So I've decided that since I'm universes away from such. I will just have to write about it. Should it be an insert or a you've done me wrong T Swift revenge era OR I was born cursed type of thing. I'm in a writers slump and I'm trying to stop that by writing new stories.


I'm really looking forward to the new chapter Born by the Sea or even Sol, when will you post it, sorry for asking again and I'm loving this fanfic I'm rereading it all the time!


I'm anxious, but I know how the blockade hurts if you need help, you can call me in private I can give you some tips on what's missing or ideas for help, thanks for answering


Omg sorry I didn’t see this. Honestly I’m in a really bad writers slum and I just don’t have motivation but I’ll try and release something this week or next week.