
i will be taking down my universal boy book because of the events that have happened. i fully support caiti, shelby and all of the other people that are victims of these atrocities. 
          	i have made good memories with the fandom and i will forever cherish the joy it gave me back in 2020-2022. but i will no longer be supporting these creators after finding out what kind of people they are behind closed doors.
          	it is very important to know that not everything you see on the internet is the real thing. everything is an illusion, they only show us a fraction of their color and it might not even be real. i have learned my lesson.
          	im not saying that we should all stop supporting creators, im imposing that we should all have limitations on how we show our support and to not dedicate most of our time (like what I used to do) with the people that we only see on the screen.
          	none of us are to blame, we didn’t know. 
          	if you feel guilty for being a fan of theirs in the past, you shouldn’t as none of it was your fault. 
          	i hope that these people get what’s coming for them and i hope they experience the pain that they caused to the victims that they abused/assaulted. 
          	goodbye, and thank you.


i will be taking down my universal boy book because of the events that have happened. i fully support caiti, shelby and all of the other people that are victims of these atrocities. 
          i have made good memories with the fandom and i will forever cherish the joy it gave me back in 2020-2022. but i will no longer be supporting these creators after finding out what kind of people they are behind closed doors.
          it is very important to know that not everything you see on the internet is the real thing. everything is an illusion, they only show us a fraction of their color and it might not even be real. i have learned my lesson.
          im not saying that we should all stop supporting creators, im imposing that we should all have limitations on how we show our support and to not dedicate most of our time (like what I used to do) with the people that we only see on the screen.
          none of us are to blame, we didn’t know. 
          if you feel guilty for being a fan of theirs in the past, you shouldn’t as none of it was your fault. 
          i hope that these people get what’s coming for them and i hope they experience the pain that they caused to the victims that they abused/assaulted. 
          goodbye, and thank you.


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            its okay, i understand your frustration and i don’t blame you or hold anything against you for it. what you felt was totally understandable and valid. thank you about that and i totally agree. glad we had this thing settled down.


@urFATherGAY_ yeah exactly this entire situation got so out of hand resulting in a major set back in someones career i got a lot more frustrated with this because her story never made sense fully i understand that her experience was traumatic for her and that she regretted it but wording it as SA was just bad this could have easily made clear in private im sorry i went off i was a little too frustrated


im not trying to invalidate sa’d victims and im pretty sure it wasn’t in her intentions to get clout from this and ruin his career. (if she did I will gladly take back everything I said and will admit my wrong)
            im glad george came out with a much more concrete explanation on his behalf and explained his side much clearer and im glad that he took accountability and actually admitted to what caiti said (yes i know what caiti said was much more deeper than what george claimed happened that night) but my main point is that i wish he thought more thoroughly
            on caiti’s pov, i don’t condone underage drinking. she was old enough to know the difference of right and wrong. she shouldn’t have drank that night and definitely should not have drank with people she knew that was significantly older than her.
            i definitely do believe that her friends had an impact on her decisions that day and the following events that happened. i understand her discomfort when she realized what had happened and maybe her drunk mind along with her friends made things ten times worse.
            i acknowledge my mistake by saying what i poster here on wattpad before hearing george out, but i still stand by on what i meant on my following announcement that i would not continue supporting these creators. im not saying that you should too but it is my decision for myself to stop.
            they definitely shouldve handled all this privately.
            both parties feelings were valid.
            both had their wrongs.
            im sorry if i had offended anyone in a way with what i said i was only voicing my opinion (although my emotions got the best of me and i am sorry about that).
            i understand your frustration, thank you for taking the time to address and explain it more. that is all but if you have anything more to say feel free to say it and i will do my best to understand both sides.


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fuck wilbur soot.


@sadboy_citrus he abused his ex girlfriend (Shubble) and his response was I got therapy so it’s fine. In-depth video essays are on YouTube


@urFATherGAY_ f*ck Wilbur soot stand with shubble


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wait what- what happened???
            (pls someone actually explain, I only have like pinterest and tumblr so I dont fucking know what happened)


damn, i wasn’t expecting a reply. how are yall been?? i havent been on wattpad for a while, always been on and off. on the bright side, i found myself a boyfriend !! other than that, my life is meh


@urFATherGAY_ lol it sounds worse than it was (I’m lying, it sounds exactly as bad as it sounds but I’m trying to pretend like I’m okay)


@urFATherGAY_ i just turned the age where we can get a job and get our first drivers learners in my country so im kinda nervy 


@ urFATherGAY_  I failed math and chemistry:)


is anybody still alive?? 


@urFATherGAY_  oh my days, I just re downloaded this app after YEARS and I haven't seen you since I was deep in my Draco phase