
Assalâmu ’alaykum,
          	ARF V2, Chapter 12 has been updated. 


Assalamu alaikum sister u have no idea how happy i am to find ur book after years
          his child her baby their family i was going nuts trying to find that book but i couldn't find any i thought u took it down
          and then i came upon ur new version i soooo love this one
          its sooo beautifully written soo detailed in the earlier version i didn't understand how someone could leave haroon and i think there was only ibrahim so i was like is this the same book where did yusra came from but i am so happy for addition of yusra i love her characters she is such a sweet girl to her daddy and to see how charitys life was before i ammm sooooo happyyy to have found u and this betterrrr versionnn i loveee ur bookssss sooo muchhhhh❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


@umm_hanoon u don't have to say sorry it was my fault as i keep deleting my accounts.
            but Alhamdulillah i found u again❤️


            Wa'alaykumus salam.
            Sorry for the confusion. I removed the old one and started a rewrite quite a while back. I'm glad you found it. 
            There will be quite a few changes, but the core of the story is the same.


Salaam, you got a goodreads account? If so, mind sharing? 


@umm_hanoon yayyy!! Omg I neeed to know your 5 star reads!!


            Wa’alaykumus salâm,
            I forgot my old account details, so I made a new one XD
            It's under the email 


Assalamualaikum sister, I hope you are doing well I just wanted an update on what’s happening with friends to sisters that’s one of my favourite book of yours and I’m just waiting for you to publish it so I can buy it and finally read it I’m eagerly waiting for that please do let me know about it so I can tick off one of my items from my bucket list ✨☺️


            Wa'alaykumus salam, 
            Sorry for the late reply. I’m honestly not sure if that story will be officially published. Right now I have just one series I have set as to be published. My older stories may or may not be published. 
            Regardless, I do plan to repost it on Wattpad in the future. I am trying to catch up to where I was with ARF before I add the other books, so I don't know when yet.


          I hope you are doing well.
          Can I know which is the story of Jâsim and James?
          I read it when you were uploading it here but forgot its name. 


            Wa’alaykumus salâm,