
For slime reread ten and eleven. Tbh


@ukebutler I love you I'm rereading all of it regardless 


And fourteen because it was rewritten a whole lot (the smut chapter)


hi darling i just want to say that ur books are so amazing^^ and i also read your oneshot? the mixtape and i really like the "obsession ft jean k." it's so rare to find a good story about jean so im really excited about it>o<and i hope ur doing well darling:)


this message may be offensive
I read previous conversations about Bokuto's book and saw you're uncomfortable with Keiji, and whatever you decide to do will be fine 
          I actually low-key love the Keiji parts
          It might be angsty now but I feel like how they handle it might help her resolve her PTSD (that's legit what she's going through) and help her realise she doesn't have to be such a people pleaser (he needs to get a big fuck you)
          And it can also let him realise that he's actually just a sadistic sociopath (despite him constantly telling himself he isn't... like baby boy, the denial is real)
          I binged Bokuto's book in just a few hours after binging Sugar for about 2 days, and I'm deadass excited for your updates whenever they resume.


But I really think you're doing amazing with the way you're writing them all


@Alex_499 just reading this. May God bless your soul. You right tbh. I just wondered if his personality wasn’t constant. But hearing how you read it kinda steering the way for me rn