
Happy pride month to all of you! ️‍️‍⚧️


Uh.. Yeah.. What was that? I wanted to be more active? To continue working on books? (that sh¡tty cr@p I wrote) yeah no.. Can't remember it ^^
          But no, seriously. I'm probably the worst person at keeping 'promises'. I hope you don't mind (noone probably reads this though). I will see what my lazy @ss can do, but I won't promise you any developments


Okay Uhm... Just gonna check, you all also got the notification that private chats will be disabled in May, right? 


@ EmotionallyTiredOwl  I don't know.. I just got a notification, but I can't open the attached link. It says I'm not Authorized 


@typ_of_pan wha? I didn't, now I wonder who they'll be disabled :(


Something weird happened.. I just got a call from my brother through the phone of my mother. He asked about me buying ice-cream and there was this weird noise in the background. He asked me to not tell mom because she might get angry.. I said I didn't want to and ended the call.. Not even a minute later my mother called over her own phone! She asked me if I knew if dad is going to buy ingroceries. But the thing is, I heard the car blinking in the background, they were already driving! That means she already picked up my brother and is sitting in the same car with him! Why would he ask me to not tell mom then, if she already knew? And what was that noise? 


@ EmotionallyTiredOwl  in the end, my brother really managed to grab my mother's phone to call me, just before they started driving. It's still weird though. But thanks anyways for your concern ^^"


@typ_of_pan That sounds like a doubleganger, Imma ser if I can do some reasearch for u


Well, guess who finally finished bathing in self-pity! ^^
          This is not a 'grand' comeback. I don't have that many friends on wattpad and I don't think there are actual fans, to call it a comeback. Life goes on and such... Ugh. However, I will take a look at what I already wrote and decide if I want to continue writing or not. 


It's kinda sad but I don't think I will continue reading or writing here on wattpad.. It's like I suddenly lost interest in everything I once liked and now do new stuff. For example I stopped reading Mangas or books, stopped drawing, lost interest in YouTube or TikTok. Who knows why. Maybe it's just a phase and maybe I will come back one day and continue but well.. For now I will concentrate on other things.