
i should have a lot more of you
          	all commenting on GOLDEN DRAGON
          	given with just how many of you
          	kept messaging me and posting 
          	on my mb for it to be updated. 
          	do not be a ghost reader. that 
          	only encourages the writer to
          	just stop writing the story. because
          	it just seems like no one is interested
          	its pretty annoying to see that I 
          	get a lot of reads but like 12 votes
          	and 3 comments. it's honestly 
          	making me want to quit on Golden
          	Dragon a little more


Hi I’m a lover of your writing but I think it’s less people because there’s not alot to comment on there is only one full chapter and people are waiting to see how it progresses as you update it I understand how you may feel discouraged to continue with so little feed back as people are messing you about updates they are exited to read more x I hope this doesn’t sound like a complaint I mean all the best and can’t wait to see the nature I’ve continue x 


i should have a lot more of you
          all commenting on GOLDEN DRAGON
          given with just how many of you
          kept messaging me and posting 
          on my mb for it to be updated. 
          do not be a ghost reader. that 
          only encourages the writer to
          just stop writing the story. because
          it just seems like no one is interested
          its pretty annoying to see that I 
          get a lot of reads but like 12 votes
          and 3 comments. it's honestly 
          making me want to quit on Golden
          Dragon a little more


Hi I’m a lover of your writing but I think it’s less people because there’s not alot to comment on there is only one full chapter and people are waiting to see how it progresses as you update it I understand how you may feel discouraged to continue with so little feed back as people are messing you about updates they are exited to read more x I hope this doesn’t sound like a complaint I mean all the best and can’t wait to see the nature I’ve continue x 


Do not, and I mean 
          DO NOT, comment 
          “can you update?” 
          for the same book when 
          I just did. That’s not gonna 
          make me write faster and it’s 
          if you’re gonna comment 
          please comment about the 
          chapter and what’s going on 
          in it. Do not rush authors to 
          update when they just did. 
