
          	I’m really motivated to read 100+ books this year! Please, if I made pretty much a book journal of all the books I read this year would anyone be interested?? 
          	I want to push myself to do more, I don’t just want to study to pass year 12, and work my ass off for that schmoney. I want to better myself as a person, and maybe reading can give me a better understanding of what authors are trying to put out there! 
          	Please, if you wish to join me on this journey of sadness, happiness, mystery and possibly death, inbox me or whatever. 
          	- TØPL ✌️


          I’m really motivated to read 100+ books this year! Please, if I made pretty much a book journal of all the books I read this year would anyone be interested?? 
          I want to push myself to do more, I don’t just want to study to pass year 12, and work my ass off for that schmoney. I want to better myself as a person, and maybe reading can give me a better understanding of what authors are trying to put out there! 
          Please, if you wish to join me on this journey of sadness, happiness, mystery and possibly death, inbox me or whatever. 
          - TØPL ✌️