
what do you prefer for romance when reading: first or third person?


Important question and critical to the future of my writing! 
          which do you prefer? First person or third person for the walking dead fics? there is romance.


@arwen_galadriel No problem. Glad I could help!


@ericdabbs Just one POV at the moment. this helps a lot! thank you so much for responding.


@arwen_galadriel My thoughts are, since it might enhance the experience by giving a deep first person point of view, I'd say first person for a zombie fic. It just seems like it would be better experienced that way. Hope that helps. Maybe some others will chime in too to see what they think about this. On the other hand, I feel first person limits point of view characters. Just my opinion that first person is best through one character's POV. So, it might depend on how many POVs you want. Just something to think about.