
          I hope you don’t mind me posting this, but I just started writing my first book. It would mean a lot to me if you had the time to check it out! It’s a fantasy romance book about a human girl named Esmara. She lives in a world that is ruled by seven kinds of shifters. My first book is mostly focused on werewolves but will delve deeper into the other shifters over time. Check my profile for more info! I’ll update every 7-14 days.
          Have a great day! Thank you!


Hi, I'm Del, and I am new author here at Wattpad. I hope you have time to read my story. :>
          AUTHOR: delisosum
          TITLE: I was her
          LANGUAGE: Tagalog-English
          GENRE: Action-Tragedy (Reincarnation)
          Yara is one of their organization's most well-known and skilled assassins, but she was sentenced to death for a single mistake, and they used her as a lesson to all members of the organization. When Yara died, she believed that her pain and sin would be over. She had no idea that she would be reincarnated over and over again to atone for her sins.


Thank you so much for adding  “Dana Ilic and the Shadow Door” to your reading list! ❣️
          I hope you will enjoy Dana and Max' adventures ☺️! You will love the book if you are a fan of Percy Jackson and Shadow and Bone! 
          If you liked the book, please consider voting on all the chapters by clicking on that little star ⭐️ in the end of each chapter!
          Votes help us gain more ranking and visibility, so more Wattpad readers will be able to find our book <3 
          It would also mean a lot if you recommended the book to your friends! 


Hello! I hope you are staying healthy & safe through these rough times. I was wondering if you could give a shot at my Urban Fantasy Romance: THE COURAGE OF STARS. It would mean so much to me.
          I will leave a link here in case something intrigues your interest:
          Thank you so much for your time. 
          Have a lovely day/night!
          Pavlina x.


Hi, I am sorry but this link goes nowhere. 