
это сообщение может быть оскорбительным
i wanna actually write smthing good so like
          	imma just make my newest story into a draft and write sum other shit 


Hello! I noticed you're a fellow taekook shipper in a book I read. If you're interested in reading more, my friend wrote two taekook fics 
          Hope you like it! If you do please don't forget to vote or comment ^—^
          NOTE: if you don't like posts like this please delete or mute me. Thank you! Have a nice day/night ❤ 
          BOOK 1:
          BOOK 2:
          (open books for full summary ❤) 


thanks for reading my story xanny and I’m loving for your comments ❤️


Omg Thank you so much for voting and adding my book to your reading list ♥️♥️♥️