
guysss i need help  can y’all like give me prettymuch books to read? i can’t find good ones cause u read almost all of them. help me pleaseeee


should i continue this story... i feel like i’m getting no where. and i’ve had no motivation to write. just tell me if y’all would like me to continue. if i finish a chapter before my christmas break ends i’ll keep doing it. but yeah tell me if y’all even want me to continue :/


@WassupWriters thanks  that helped me. i’ll take your advice and use it 


@demiris_beanz yesssssss continue pleassssse gurrrrl. You're doing so good


guys been a hard time for me to upload. finals are next week, got hella hw this week. and i’ve had no motivation to write. i’m sorry :/


Your good and take your time on updating


i’m boreddd. i’m doing hw ughhhh. i’ll work on another chapter during my thanksgiving break which starts on wednesday bc we have school monday and tuesday . monday i gotta run two miles for my finals. like plesseee help me. so if you want to help distract me, ask me some question :) they can be about prettymuch or maybe be about me. i don’t care LMAO. just ask me something. i also don’t care how much you ask me. 


WHO ELSE LOVES THE EP OMLLLLLL . my fav song from the EP is “up to you” like oml. tell me what you think. also i’m working on a long chapter 


@WassupWriters yayyyy lmao it’s sooo good 


I'm excited and about to listen to the songs right now I'll let you know which one is my favorite 


bruh i cried so hard. my friend has never heard of pm(she is a new friend so i couldn’t inform her) and she likes NCT dream and she absolutely loved the song along with “love” bc she knows the guy. 


hey guys sorry for not uploading quick. i posted somewhat two long stories bc i knew this week would be very busy for me. so sorryyy for not posting. i’m also like stumped and can’t come up with an idea, sooo maybe expect a chapter on friday or saturday. not too sure cause i’m really busy. sorry once again. but who is excited about the EP and their new merch 


alrightttttt. i might start another book. SOOOOOOOOOOO if anyone has any suggestions for like names of the characters or who it’s about in the band, that’ll be helpful. any who, i might have an idea on the story line, but if you want to drop some ideas then go ahead. 


It should be about Nick or Austin and ummmmm OPTION 1:they should met somewhere like a store or something OPTION 2: or she could be like a singer too and they have to sing together or she has to be their opening act and the catch feelings for each other (idk about my first suggestion)


tell me.... would y’all like it if i worked on another story while still working on the edwin one? or should i wait it out? 


yeah i was thinking about doing another one but like the uploading process might be slow soooo it depends. and yeah i really want to do a nick story but i also want to do one of austin cause nobody makes stories of him 


You should but if it becomes to much take a break on one and focus on the other and if you do you should do a Nick (cuz why not) one or a Austin (since there isn't that many)