
/     ill revamp this laterr


shoo,   go   away,   c͟a͟t.   i'm   busy.


@toothnclaw; ⠀⠀ i   don't   give   two   shits   'bout   your   name,   by   the   way .ᐟ   [  she   replies   in   annoyance,   snapping   her   teeth   at   unagi.   then   she   hisses,   taking   two   steps   back   to   evade   him.  ]   i   bought   this   for   myself.   go   get   your   own.


@blut5auger ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀"i have a name!"    he hissed,  his chest puffing out a moment later,    "it’s unagi,  in case you were wonde—-can i have that??  it smells good.  and you have it,  so,  i want it."


the small girl was crouched down , picking up random things that interested her - from rocks and sticks to literal trash . she was so engrossed in her task , she didn't realize she was about to run into the other until it happened


the child gasped , stumbling back and tripping over her feet , ending up on the ground . the startle made tears well up in her wide eyes as she stared up at him 


@-liilpunks- ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀"watch it!"    he would have fallen back if it weren’t for his tail balancing him out.  his face scrunched up in annoyance as pieces of trash stuck to his shirt.    "what—?"


you've been runnin' around in circles for a  / while /  now.


@bldbites ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀"aren’t you just a ray of sunshine,"    he’d protectively hug the bird to his chest,   expression sour. 


⠀⠀so you have.   (  his nose would wrinkle up in mild disgust.  )    it's rather small,  no?


@bldbites  ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ "why do i  /always/  have to remind you?"    he huffed,    "i am hunting,  and behold,  i have already caught something."    with a triumphant grin,  he presented the (partially nibbled-on) corpse of a scrawny black bird. 


‎   why do you do this?


@bloodbarren ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀"oh—   well,  uhm,  i assumed that since you drink blood and all.."    he murmured,  visibly deflating at his response.  guess that was a no.  a pout graced his lips,  and his tail lashed behind him as he backed off.  however,  he returned to al’s side in just a few short moments.    "have you found it yet?"


                                     who is we?   [   alden asks,   suppressing the urge to chuckle.    he takes comfort in his presence,    and wasn't scared to let it be known.   but this time he focused on which recipe they would be using.    ]   maybe you mean   / you /   can just eat it raw,    you uncivilized beast.   
            /   as he always does


@bloodbarren ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ unagi watched as al flipped through the many pages,  his eyes scanning the dishes illustrated across them.  soon,  he leaned against the cowboy's back,  his chin resting on his shoulder,  feeling a little impatient.    "you know...  we can always just eat it raw," 
            *    the martha stewarts cooking school?   i know he’s about to cook up smth ferocious


 ⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀  
          ⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀  
            ⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀──  character thread,  dni
          org.   bakeneko   anon. 


            ───  hard limits include: use of bodily fluids(with the exception of blood), bondage, gags, wax or tempature play, CNC, voyeurism, public sex.
            NOTE that unagi is not interested in one-night stands or friends with benefits arrangements. it takes him several months to feel comfortable enough around a partner to trust them with his body. he values strong emotional connections, and requires ample time to develop that level of intimacy. 
            he lacks any prior experience with men, as his romantic and intimate encounters have been limited exclusively to women.
            unagi tends to be more submissive than dominant. he enjoys being given instructions on what to do and how to do it. while he is capable of taking on a more dominant role, he leans towards being a gentle or soft top, preferring a partner who enjoys taking control as a power bottom.
            he is very vocal in bed, emitting breathy moans, soft whimpers, and low whines, among other sounds.
            MASSIVE praise kink. he thrives on hearing how well he's pleasing his partner, being called a good boy, and receiving positive affirmations. however, he is not into degradation, neither giving nor receiving it.
            he has an oral fixation and could spend hours underneath a desk, servicing his partner while they're working. he also enjoys biting, frequently targeting the neck and cheek area.
            he is a slight masochist; while pain during sex isn’t a big turn on for him, he doesn’t mind being manhandled or engaging in minimal impact play.
            more to be added later. 


            whenever he feels nervous or overwhelmed, he wraps his tail around his pants leg as a way to ground himself.
            unagi does not fall in love easily. he is very reserved and wary. however, a telltale sign that he is starting to at least like you is when he presents you with dead birds as gifts.
            he is not a big fan of physical touch whatsoever. he is not used to it and freaks out if you so much as hug him without permission.
            he is deathly allergic to silver. 
            unagi experiences a heat cycle every two months, which lasts for four days. he has never shared it with anyone and doesn't plan to, as he believes he could never trust anyone enough to be that vulnerable around them.
            he enjoys collecting seashells and fancy-looking rocks. 
            unagi is always on edge, with his claws constantly unsheathed. he sleeps with one eye open, as he has been subjected to unprovoked attacks by strangers, who have targeted him with beer bottles, empty soda cans, and rocks just for the fun of it. 
            unagi cannot read, but he is attempting to teach himself by borrowing children's books from the local library.


            currently, unagi is homeless. he has a cardboard box he sleeps in, and actually prefers over a warm bed. over the years, he has let a few people "own" him in his cat form, but that type of arrangement doesn’t usually last because of his prideful nature. 
            he has zero control over his powers. every now and then, he practices, but it usually causes a city-wide disaster, so he has left them dormant. 
            his ears and tail are very sensitive; even the slightest tug can be incredibly painful for him. as a result, he is very reserved and doesn't allow others to touch him.
            though he is technically immortal—as his body will never decay from age—he can still be killed by mortal wounds.
            his diet consists mostly of little critters and whatever scraps strangers like to feed him. however, don't pity him; he quite likes the taste of mouse.
            in his cat form, he appears as a chubby ginger tabby with darker stripes, complemented by big white paws. this form bears numerous scars, acquired from his frequent skirmishes with other alley cats just for the thrill of it.
            it is NEVER a good idea to feed him, as he will follow you around for days, expecting more handouts.