
One of my fics, Sex Drunk Suckerpunch, was removed by Watt, so y'all read it on AO3! 


@thinlinez wp being a little shat again


hey, i was wondering if you do fic requests? and if you do, i have an AU i'd really like to read. i've noticed your fics have like anime trope undertones, so i'm going to assume you watch anime (correct me if i'm wrong) anyway, i'd really like to read a silent voice AU. if you don't know the film, it's about a deaf girl who's bullied during grade-school and eventually transfers. then a few years later, one of the guys that bullied her runs into her and tries to make up. i'd have no problem reading it in ABO and i'd actually prefer to. 
          i really like your stories! i hope you see this and take care x


@lustforlouis I know that anime! But sorry I don't write now... I'm not really interested in writing about bullying though... Sorry! Xxx thanks for appreciating my stories! 


If you would like to translate my fics, PLEASE make sure to ASK me first before doing so... I don't like it when you just leave a comment on my fic and be done with it... It's better to dm me and talk about the details! 


@ thinlinez  yep, yep, You are so sweet and kind about it! I still have 2 fics to translate haha 