
Eaugh i'm so sorry i really need to update the kotlc book. I am so sorry i am really busy i have exams and stuff so yeah...  I will try to update as soon as possible *cries*


Yeah right Endeavour, you don't have exams ... I do you idiot 


Hello , I'm Ashlynn and I'm writing this regarding to my story "the rest of you're life " I'm sorry if the story isn't interesting or it isn't grammatically correct . Please feel free to comment and ask questions ! I really love to write this story as I love the sam willows , I hope you enjoy it too ! On behalf of Endeavour and I I would like to apologize for not updating Serendipty and smiles as we are very busy right now to collaborate as we have switched schools and we have barely anytime to hang out THANKYOU GUYS SO MUCH ILYSM 


Hey fans of "The Boy Who Ran Away"! I am so sorry I haven't been updating. Being at a new school and stuff I'm still settling in. But have no fear!! A chapter will DEFINITELY  be up soon. It's WIP but you guys should be Glad to hear it will be up by next week AND it talks a bit about Biana's feelings too!!!
          Thanks guys 


Hi everyone. This is Endeavour. Ashlynn and I have both just changed schools and are settling into a new routine. I'm sorry if we don't update as regularly over this next week but I promise, we will continue soon!
          ~ Endeavour