
esta mensagem pode ser ofensiva
FORMATTING EXAMPLE for "hey i want to be in a writers are assassins story!"
          	Wxlfy,  He/They/It
          	Description: A tall, lanky anthro wolf with black horns. Typically wears a lavender and sage green comedy mask to obscure their face and a dark jacket with an emblem of the clubs suit (cards) on the back. (That was, until they died—)
          	They're a snarky lil bitch, but very loyal and can be serious when necessary. (They shouldn't have listened—) They are very quiet when it comes to strangers, but loud and obnoxious with close friends. Some of their favorite things to do are sitting and talking to their friends for hours and drawing. They're the type of person to say shit like "yOu uNcUlTuReD fOoL" when someone's never heard of one of their interests.
          	Backstory will be expanded in the main story, so no spoilers for you >:(
          	uhhhh yeah, smth like that would be great :D


Crazy? I was crazy once. They locked me in a rubber room. A rubber room. A rubber room with rats. And rats made me crazy.


Crazy? I was crazy once. They locked me in a rubber room. A rubber room. A rubber room with rats. And the rats made me crazy.


esta mensagem pode ser ofensiva
FORMATTING EXAMPLE for "hey i want to be in a writers are assassins story!"
          Wxlfy,  He/They/It
          Description: A tall, lanky anthro wolf with black horns. Typically wears a lavender and sage green comedy mask to obscure their face and a dark jacket with an emblem of the clubs suit (cards) on the back. (That was, until they died—)
          They're a snarky lil bitch, but very loyal and can be serious when necessary. (They shouldn't have listened—) They are very quiet when it comes to strangers, but loud and obnoxious with close friends. Some of their favorite things to do are sitting and talking to their friends for hours and drawing. They're the type of person to say shit like "yOu uNcUlTuReD fOoL" when someone's never heard of one of their interests.
          Backstory will be expanded in the main story, so no spoilers for you >:(
          uhhhh yeah, smth like that would be great :D


doing a story about the writers sounds fun-
          SO, if i did a story where some of y'all are part of an assassin group, what would said group be called? 
          also uhhhh if you want to be in the story, tell me:
          - your sona's name & pronouns
          - a description of their design & personality
          - (optional) a short backstory


            i will get to doodling as soon as i have the motivation to :3


Arlo Joi, he/him [main assassin]
            -descrip: short-ish, 5'4, with bright blue hair, blue eyes and a round face. his style is typically grunge/baggy clothing (a lot of graphic tees and blue/black jeans), he wears van sneakers and black nailpolish + black piercings
            -personality: he's pretty goofy and hyper, a little ADHD guy, and has a hard time being serious but at the same time he can focus when he tries *really* hard. he's got a stubborn streak and usually won't back down once he's put his mind to something, which can be both a good and a bad thing
            backstory: idk just do whatever with 'em lmao


@Rainyjoi2009 its really no problem, i still need quite a few more people anyway! ^w^


hey yall its my fuckin birthday
          thats crazy
          i feel old now


oh thanks!
            yea i didnt see it bc i was asleep
            (im currently on a trip to arizona to see the grand canyon so i have a wacky sleep schedule rn lol)


@thewonderfulwolfy I made your gift, if you didn't already see it, and posted it in a chapter of one of the oneshot books :3 hope you like it!!


@thewonderfulwolfy yeah that'll do :D I'll try to make something for you really soon! Probably on Sunday... 


idek why, but whenever I hear my mom yell, I death grip the nearest thing to me and start shaking and crying :D


esta mensagem pode ser ofensiva
AvAF wiki off-topic thread is getting toxic bc ppl from another wiki (CSW [creative stories wiki]) are coming over just for the OT thread
          ppl who are actually on the AvAF wiki for what it was made for are getting pissed off bc of CSW ppl(?) 
          and theres constant arguments 
          we're having to consider leaving behind the BGChat (bad grammar chat, the off-topic thread) bc of this.
          im fucking done.
          im sick and tired of us having to pack up our discussions and good times and move.
          im crying real tears right now because theres no going back and we're just stuck moving all the time I guess.
          I just miss how it used to be


I feel like im being really selfish rn
          So on the AvA Fanon Wiki of Fandom, I had been trying to adopt the wiki & get admin for a while. then the wiki became more dative and someone recommended some other person (who is my friend btw) and they won the "election" for admin. I didn't really care that much.
          then they got admin and promoted 2 thread mods, two of my friends who r very active on the wiki. 
          this made sense.
          then a content mod was promoted and it was a on-and-off active..ness user w like ~100 edits and 1 warning. (vs me and I think one other person w 200+ edits, 0 warnings.) 
          again, im trying not to take it too seriously, as its the admin's decision and I trust them to know what's best.
          one of the thread mods (a person that I really want to be closer w and also I admire them a lot for their writing) got promoted to admin today and im beyond happy for them.
          but it still kinda hurts that ppl are being handed out status and ive been left out of it when I worked so goddamn hard for so long (those editing streaks were a living hell sometimes).
          ik this is really selfish of me, but honestly, I just had to say this somewhere :')


            It's alright, I'm selfish sometimes too


trying to slow down and just be happy 4 them (the new admin) more bc they deserve it


so some of yall know me as being christian 
          and id just like to say that i have made the decision to leave the religion. 
          it has only caused me pain, disappointment, and feeling unloved, and it feels like i cant live my life to its fullest.
          right now, it just seems like the best for me, as i will be able to live and heal without worrying about the creator of the damn universe watching my every move and being angry at me.
          plus, i am tired of churches and religious people talking down on me and saying that im disobeying the will of god and/or going to hell just for being myself, directly or indirectly.
          im sorry to anyone who i have just lost the respect of, or is disappointed in me, or wants to unfollow, etc.
          but im gonna live my life for me and the people i love, not some church with standards that i cannot live up to that has only hurt me.
          ill still be going on as normal, just felt the need to say this.
          might make a chapter explaining more, but for now, this is it.


@thewonderfulwolfy Wow... so brave... *Gets proud in can't leave their religion because of family history or strict family*


@thewonderfulwolfy I understand. I will continue to pray for you, it seems you are going through a lot. I still will love you as a friend even if you aren't a Christian and I will respected you and your opinion becuz you too are just human like me. If you ever need to talk, I'm always open to help. ♡♥︎♡♥︎