
If any of you know Ray William Johnson, my OC (me) would like to roast someone just like him, if you want to be roasted, send me a private message (unless someone personally asks me, I will not roast them)


@Pes0Pengu1n, Alright, I’ve already wasted 10 seconds of my life on you so let’s hurry this up. On your profile, it says your age ranges from 0 to 1,000,000, and you’re confusing me, because you have the intelligence of an unborn fetus, but you look like you’re at least a billion years old.  And where the heck did that Tumblr link in your bio go? Did it disappear like every potential love interest you had as soon as they took one look at you? No hard feelings here, please don’t take any of this to heart. I think you’re amazing, and keep telling your stories to the world. I believe in you, and I do not mean a single word I said in these roasts, it’s just a bit of naughty fun. (I know they suck, I never said I was good at it), but at least I’m better at roasts than you are at maintaining a fulfilling social life/j


Question- Would you mind if I drew your OC? I would give you full credit for her, and it would just be my interpretation.


@Pes0Pengu1n, go ahead! I’d love to see it, and sorry about putting you in an awkward position earlier


If any of you know Ray William Johnson, my OC (me) would like to roast someone just like him, if you want to be roasted, send me a private message (unless someone personally asks me, I will not roast them)


@Pes0Pengu1n, Alright, I’ve already wasted 10 seconds of my life on you so let’s hurry this up. On your profile, it says your age ranges from 0 to 1,000,000, and you’re confusing me, because you have the intelligence of an unborn fetus, but you look like you’re at least a billion years old.  And where the heck did that Tumblr link in your bio go? Did it disappear like every potential love interest you had as soon as they took one look at you? No hard feelings here, please don’t take any of this to heart. I think you’re amazing, and keep telling your stories to the world. I believe in you, and I do not mean a single word I said in these roasts, it’s just a bit of naughty fun. (I know they suck, I never said I was good at it), but at least I’m better at roasts than you are at maintaining a fulfilling social life/j


Hello, I know you don’t see me often but one of my followers pointed out that is used your oc “Jane” I figured you created Jane before a friend of mine showed me a video thingie she made about a “third sibling in dashii’s family” I’m here to apologize for the inconvenience and I will stop using Jane. Though maybe I could make my own oc, just not too similar to yours. 
          I apologize for using Jane, I thought she was an actual character for a bit, before finding out Jane was your oc. 
          I had no right to do this, though I didn’t know. 
          Again, I apologize. 


It’s alright, have a nice day/night!


@Kwaz11ca7, it’s perfectly fine. Thank you for your apology. I should really make a disclaimer about her. Wait… my OC’s on YouTube?! You know, the same thing happened last year. Someone took her, used her, knew she was my OC and never said a word to me about it or acknowledged that she was mine, but I didn’t press them for it (probably should have), so thank you for being willing to admit she isn’t yours. I really appreciate you, and sorry I just ranted. 


Thank you for defending me


@Uniquedoll602, Thank you, but I wouldn’t say the other people involved were “bad” people, per se. I mean, they were all trying to defend each other and their opinions. 


You’re the first person to actually say sorry for these attacks.  I think that gives you as good as gold


@Uniquedoll602, I noticed that the second I started shifting blame onto you and telling you that you were out of line as well, you tell me I’m misinformed. Even if it’s not the way it is, it sure looks that way. I mean no harm toward you. I’m just telling you how it looks to me and how others might have thought you were rude. I’m sorry if you don’t see it that way. I rechecked the fic on which it happened, and they even praised your writing. It didn’t seem like an attack on you, just a misunderstanding of the AU. This is just my view of the situation. If you want to clear things up with the others involved, you can, if you don’t, whatever, and once again, Im sorry if I’ve offended you.


...I'm a terrible person for laughing at this...


@thethirdweasleytwin. It's kinda funny if you don't think about the real life implications


@thethirdweasleytwin your talking to me again. I was beginning to think you hated me




            Today’s Boxing Day and we’re out shopping for dat 50% off


Merry almost Christmas to you too, (well it’s probably almost Christmas where you are, we still have a few hours)


Do you think my followers are mad at me? I’m trying my best. Do u think I got too big for my britches somehow? I hope not


@thethirdweasleytwin I don't know. I asked for a favor on my voting chapter in my conversations and no one's answering. I was hoping this last bit would make the new chapter come to fruition faster


@Uniquedoll602, No, not at all. I’m just backed up with schoolwork, so I haven’t had time to respond (sorry) and I’m not sure if your followers are mad at you. What makes you think that?


R U mad at me?


Hiya, I'm not sure if you've seen this pic, but either way, I found this incredible humanised pic of the Octo-kids (unfortunately no Jane :( ) but anyway here it is


@JustOneToughCookie, Hmmmmmmm… I don’t know, but whoever said it sounds like someone who’d be orange with no hint of a brain or any sanity at all! (Kwazii) And do you think that Inkling would be the babysitter/nanny to all the kids, and has had this exchange between him, Dashi, and Peso at least once?
            Peso and Dashi: “Shouldn’t we pay for childcare?”
            Inkling: “Don’t worry about it, I shan’t charge you a penny.”
            *Crash from the library* 
            Inkling: “But may you kindly provide me with two aspirins a day and child leashes?”


@thethirdweasleytwin You're welcome! And oh my god YES "Tunip please give him back now" "nuh uh, if we're your babies he's our baby" "yer grandpa now" (guess who is that last voice)