
A new chapter will be coming out soon. I'm so sorry guys. I haven't forgot about this.


I'm really sorry I still haven't gotten out a new chapter with the new OC. I will. I've just had a lot going on with my family. As well as a night class that I don't have anymore so I nkw have more time. I'll try my hardest to get one out by this Friday or Saturday. It makes me happy to see that people are actually reading the story.


@theoneAnt It is ok. We understand, we all have different things going on in our life. But of course people are reading your story, it is a wonderful story.


I am not dead nor have I forgotten about this story. My phone had a virus and I finally took care about it. I'll finally be able to get back to writing. A new chapter will be up on Monday or Tuesday. Please forgive mem I'm sorry for not being able to write.