
this message may be offensive
An update on RadioApple X Reader: Imperfect
          	I know, I know its a long time coming, but I want ya'll to know that it is very much being written. And I haven't forgotten about ya'll.
          	This thing is officially going to be over 80 chapters long. But I am getting there! Finding my self in a pickle where I have to write some of the heavier chapters and my head is protesting a bit, and I don't generally like to force those. As a result I sit there buffering a lot. But sometimes thats what it be.
          	Also want to give shout outs to all the people leaving comments! I know I can't always respond to all of them, but rest assured I read every single one and you guys are the reason this book is happening. Ya'll are the best and I wish you all the most awesomest things! 
          	Let me know if ya'll would be interested in a teaser chapter since Ik this had been a long time coming. I would pick a cute, but not spoilery chapter to publish. If not then ya'll will just have to wait until the final stretch :D
          	And the trivia: (idk if ya'll even like these but its fun for me to look back on is a bit of proof that things are coming along)
          	Last Chapter finished: Preen
          	Chapter I am really struggling to write: Flashback
          	Chapter I keep revising: Bluff
          	Chapter I really need to fucking write but it just wont come out: Inappropriate
          	The last smut scene I wrote (it aint gonna be the last I'll need to write) : First
          	Happy weekend! <3


@theladyamaranth Hahaha sounds awesome. There should be no answers and all the questions!!


@Deamonik1785 thanks for the vote :) I'll probably edit the chapter and try to post in the next couple of days. I think I have the perfect one. A little funny, shows the dynamics and vibe of the story, and leaves with more questions than answers. :P


@theladyamaranth A teaser would be nice. I can't wait to read this new book!!!


this message may be offensive
An update on RadioApple X Reader: Imperfect
          I know, I know its a long time coming, but I want ya'll to know that it is very much being written. And I haven't forgotten about ya'll.
          This thing is officially going to be over 80 chapters long. But I am getting there! Finding my self in a pickle where I have to write some of the heavier chapters and my head is protesting a bit, and I don't generally like to force those. As a result I sit there buffering a lot. But sometimes thats what it be.
          Also want to give shout outs to all the people leaving comments! I know I can't always respond to all of them, but rest assured I read every single one and you guys are the reason this book is happening. Ya'll are the best and I wish you all the most awesomest things! 
          Let me know if ya'll would be interested in a teaser chapter since Ik this had been a long time coming. I would pick a cute, but not spoilery chapter to publish. If not then ya'll will just have to wait until the final stretch :D
          And the trivia: (idk if ya'll even like these but its fun for me to look back on is a bit of proof that things are coming along)
          Last Chapter finished: Preen
          Chapter I am really struggling to write: Flashback
          Chapter I keep revising: Bluff
          Chapter I really need to fucking write but it just wont come out: Inappropriate
          The last smut scene I wrote (it aint gonna be the last I'll need to write) : First
          Happy weekend! <3


@theladyamaranth Hahaha sounds awesome. There should be no answers and all the questions!!


@Deamonik1785 thanks for the vote :) I'll probably edit the chapter and try to post in the next couple of days. I think I have the perfect one. A little funny, shows the dynamics and vibe of the story, and leaves with more questions than answers. :P


@theladyamaranth A teaser would be nice. I can't wait to read this new book!!!


          I am now cross posting on AO3! 
          Alastor X Reader: Blood For Freedom
          Is being posted on Monday/Wednesday/Friday
          Alastor X Reader: Soulbound 
          Is being posted on Tuesday/Thursday
          I am doing it in 3ish chapter batches because I don't want to copy paste 60+ chapters in one go. But if you have any friends who prefer AO3 to wattpad, you they can now find it there.
          RadioApple X Reader: Imperfect will also come out on both platforms, though I haven't decided if I will also do it in increments, so thats TBD. 
          Thank you all, have a wonderful day <3


Update on RadioApple X Reader: Imperfect
          Satan help me. I am 69 planned chapters, I think about 50 of them at written out, and I still feel like the story is no where near adequately told. At least there should be no complains for lack of content...... 
          As always some fun chapter trivia:
          Last Chapter Finished: Worries
          Currently giving me a headache: Presents
          Planned but really not looking forward to writing: Happy Face
          Planned and really looking forward to writing: Preen
          I hope ya'll are having a wonderful time, and I wish you all the best!


@theladyamaranth Happy to hear it's coming along! Can't wait to read it. 


@theladyamaranth I’m very excited to read this!! Make sure not to overwork yourself! (⋆ˆ ³ ˆ)♥


Update on "RadioApple X Reader: Imperfect"
          Sorry that its been a while since the last update on this one! But here is the current chapter count:
          Total chapters written: 38 
          Latest chapter finished: Fun
          Chapter I'm currently struggling with: Plans
          Chapter I keep editing over and over again: Bluff
          Latest hopelessly cute chapter: Trapped
          Planned chapter count.... no idea really. I have at least 15 more summaries written out, and there is definitely going to have to be more added... So I can't really give a good estimate unfortunately.
          I do apologize for this one taking so long but between life getting in the way and this one being a little tricky dynamic wise its taking quite a bit of time to write. Maybe I'm just overly neurotic but I want to make sure it all feels natural even if the shenanigans themselves are a little ridiculous. Plus there is some heavier subject matter being handled in places and I want to make sure I give it breathing room. 
          Definitely a fun write, but holy gosh darn is it making my head into a pretzel. Hopefully it will be worth the wait!


@theladyamaranth quality over quantity. Take your time to make your best work! It will be even more amazing that way! 


Hello! I'm currently reading 'Blood for Freedom,' and it's so interesting! The storytelling is top-notch. It's hard to come across good quality Alastor fanfiction, but this one hits the nail on the head perfectly! Once I finish this, I'm diving straight into 'Soulbound'!
          Side note: I'm currently working on an Alastor X OC story and would love to hear your thoughts on it so far, if you're interested. However, there's absolutely no obligation, as I'm sure you receive many messages like this. Haha!
          I cannot wait to see what you have planned for future projects! :)


@theladyamaranth Oh, wow! That sounds really interesting. Expect me to be there once it's published! Just take care not to overwork yourself during the process. If you ever need any help, feel free to reach out.


@GenBloo I'm glad you are liking it! I hope you enjoy Soulbound too!
            And sure! I'll take a look, I'm always looking for good fics to spark the creative juices. 
            Currently working on 'RadioApple x Reader: Imperfect', but its going to be a while as I told kashi1n, as its quite a doozy to get the character interactions for that down.


@kashi1n I don't want to make any promises because it all kinda depends on life/ creative juices. But Blood for Freedom took me a little over a month before I got to the final edits. This one is probably going to take at least as much as I'm trying to flesh out 3 major relationships that all gotta mesh, instead of 1. I'll post announcements as I go and get a better ETA. 


A more detailed update on "RadioApple X Reader: Imperfect"
          Total chapters written out: 16
          First Chapter that was written: Noise
          The one that has me the most shook: Ballad
          The one that has me grinning like a madman and trying not to cry: Tangle
          The Last chapter that I finished as of today: Surprise
          The one that I'm struggling with the most: Best Day
          Love ya'll and hope to see you in the comments <3


@theladyamaranth Alright! Thank you for responding :)


@theladyamaranth Do you have a range/amount of time you think its going to take to be released?


So uhhhhh... "RadioApple X Reader: Imperfect" kind of took over. 
          Mostly because I just happened to write a couple of key moments between the three first and I am gushing and squeeking as I write now.
          So that will be the next one coming out. Not for a little while still, I am only about 15 chapters in and its probably going to be a relatively long one as there is a lot of emotional development that needs to happen for any of it to feel right.
          Sorry to those who were hoping for "Deep South" but not to worry it will be my next work as I'm quite invested in the story I want to tell there. The two stories are very different.