
i have sooo many ideas of stories but I DONK KNOW WHERE TO START HELPP!!


If you want help, let me know. There is a good reading/writing club I’m a part of that gets on discord fore writing sprints, talking through plots, or anything else you might think of


@ greenfairy222  thanks alot !! :)


@greenfairy222 Write down the ideas (I put mine in a spreadsheet, but you can do anything you like). Make a brief outline for each (it doesn't have to be long, just 5-10 scenes/ideas you think would work for it). Then decide which of your ideas either inspire you, or would make a book that you'd like to read (if you wouldn't read your own book, why would you write it, right?). Once you pick one out, just write a couple chapters on it, just to see how it flows and if you're feeling connected or the character or plots. Don't feel obligated to publish, this is just for you (I write all mine in Word, so I don't accidentally publish). If it is working, keep going. If not, switch to one of the ideas. Sooner or later, you'll find one that works. If you need help, there are a lot of book/author clubs out there that will help with plots, writer's block etc. I hope you give it a shot!


i have sooo many ideas of stories but I DONK KNOW WHERE TO START HELPP!!


If you want help, let me know. There is a good reading/writing club I’m a part of that gets on discord fore writing sprints, talking through plots, or anything else you might think of


@ greenfairy222  thanks alot !! :)


@greenfairy222 Write down the ideas (I put mine in a spreadsheet, but you can do anything you like). Make a brief outline for each (it doesn't have to be long, just 5-10 scenes/ideas you think would work for it). Then decide which of your ideas either inspire you, or would make a book that you'd like to read (if you wouldn't read your own book, why would you write it, right?). Once you pick one out, just write a couple chapters on it, just to see how it flows and if you're feeling connected or the character or plots. Don't feel obligated to publish, this is just for you (I write all mine in Word, so I don't accidentally publish). If it is working, keep going. If not, switch to one of the ideas. Sooner or later, you'll find one that works. If you need help, there are a lot of book/author clubs out there that will help with plots, writer's block etc. I hope you give it a shot!