
Good afternoon readers
          	Not sure anyone reads these or if anyone cares, but I've decided to unpublish "Never Ever" until I finish the story completely and I can post it all in one go
          	I can't trust myself to write according to a strict deadline and I'm not satisfied with my writing in the book thus far
          	Hopefully I can have everything completely finished soon, but until then, please be patient with me
          	I'm not quitting this story, just taking a new route to get it finished


Good afternoon readers
          Not sure anyone reads these or if anyone cares, but I've decided to unpublish "Never Ever" until I finish the story completely and I can post it all in one go
          I can't trust myself to write according to a strict deadline and I'm not satisfied with my writing in the book thus far
          Hopefully I can have everything completely finished soon, but until then, please be patient with me
          I'm not quitting this story, just taking a new route to get it finished


Sorry I've been slacking on chapters recently
          I had an emergency situation I was handling and things quickly became too much for me to handle
          I should be back to my regular posting schedule by next week and depending on how much writing I get done, next week may be a double update
          Again, I apologize for the delay in writing and will be getting back on schedule soon


I have the next three chapters of "Never Ever" scheduled for publishing on Mondays
          I guess that's going to be my publishing day
          There's going to be a double update coming up next since both of the chapters are kinda short and then there's going to be a single update the following Monday after those
          That's as far as I've written until now, but I'll keep everyone updated on the story as it progresses


Recently started writing pretty consistently again and have been working on Never Ever at almost every opportunity presented
          I promised myself that I would finish the book and I intend to see that promise through (even if it's taken me years to get to this point)
          Hopefully, updates will be pretty consistent and this story can and will develop into something amazing


Working on the stories I put on hold since I no longer sense the need to be perfect every time I write something
          Writing is supposed to be fun and me grading myself is the exact opposite of that
          Hopefully, I'll be able to churn out some chapters for whoever wants to read in the near future


I have decided to put "Expect the Unexpected" on hold because I have no idea where I'm going with this story anymore and I've just kinda lost my way in life 
          Until I can get back on track and actually make something of myself, I'm going to put this on hold


I have decided to put "Never Ever" on a temporary hold until I can figure out what I'm doing with the story
          I know general things I want for the story, but I have no true plot or way I want to go about things
          I'm currently writing an outline for "Never Ever" so that I can stay on track and have an actual plot to create
          When I finish the outline, I will be editing the already published chapters and then start working on the rest of the chapters
          Sorry about the news (to anyone who bothers reading) and thank you for being patient with me


I am in fact back and have written another chapter for "Expect the Unexpected"
          After a lot of changes have happened, I am finally settling down and trying to make more time for writing
          Will probably be posting more often for both stories and might change the cover for ETU
          Anyway, as always, thank you for being patient with me and check out the chapter if you want to


I would like to apologize for my lack of writing recently
          I've been going through a rough patch with my health and getting things ready for campus and decided to put writing on the back burner
          But, now I'm back and I'm writing chapters for the few people who have decided to give my stories a chance
          To those people I say, thank you for being patient with me and thank you for giving my stories a chance