


First of all, I'm so sorry if I remove my two stories, The Light Catcher and Wolf Bite.
          I wasn't be able to continue updating them because of my lack of time and mood.
          I know that I shouldn't use it as an excuse but definitely, that's the main reason which I can think.
          But don't worry, those stories are still in my mind. I will continue to write them soon but those will have major editing .
          I think I'll finish Puzzled Love story first, then continue with the other. 
          Thanks you.


Sepertinya saya akan menyelesaikan menulis Puzzled Love hingga tamat, baru saya akan melanjutkan menulis The Lightcatcher. 
          Sorry, I'm so busy lately. Banyak event keluarga : dua pernikahan, pejalanan antar kota dan pulau, dan satu event persiapan pernikahan.
          Hope you all understand.
          Love you, guys.