
I need to take better notes as I'm writing. I literally write something and then have to go back and read the entire story to figure out if it's true. 


For anyone following along, I've decided for now I am not going to add any spice to Yes, My Queen. I think I like it better as a very fluffy romance, and I don't want to ruin the story with badly written spice. 
          However, if you want to use your imaginations and pretend, I can't stop you. If you want to take something I may or may not have written in a chapter as an insinuation that something happened.....
          But I think I like the PG route my account has taken and I don't want to change that for now. If I change my mind down the road and write something, I might post it somewhere else as a deleted scene or something.


The urge to make Yes, My Queen spicy is unreal...
          Maybe at the very least a fade to black moment? I don't think I'm qualified to actually write spice.
          No spoilers or anything, but..... thoughts?


@the2anime_fanatics To me, fade to black moments are like cliffhangers. It either makes me excited to for the next part to come out or leaves me wanting the next chapter to come out now. It usually depends on the execution.


Well, Private Messaging is gone. We did what we could. If you need anything, whether you have questions about my works or just need someone to talk to, here's my Instagram.

          I'll be adding this to my profile at some point. I'm here to listen.


It's really rude of wattpad to decide they don't want to let us chat with each other anymore. Even more so that I'm going to lose the chats with people from several years ago that I miss daily. There's nothing I can do but complain, I suppose.
          That and post my Instagram! If anyone wants to chat with me, DM me there and I'll be happy to have a conversation, whether it's about my stories or life in general! 

          (This is my writing account, where I'll be posting updates about my hopefully upcoming novel (very early in development) and also book reviews.)


          It been really hard to find time to do much of anything with college and my new full time job, and honestly when I've had free time I've just wanted to play a game and relax. I'll post something soon, although it'll probably be a new chapter of Yes, My Queen so I can get back into the swing of things.
          I also randomly remembered I was crossposting my stories, and realized I haven't done that for ant chapters for a while. So if you also read on or AO3 and see them, I promise it's me (in case anyone worries about my works getting stolen).


Anyone want updates on anything in particular? I wanna start writing my fanfics again.


@the2anime_fanatics oh well thats fine just then write what comes to mind for those anime then eiter way ill really enjoy reading your stories


@Niallsgirl68 Actually, I had ideas for side stories once upon a time. One about Sebastian meeting Selenas mom meeting, and another about Alex. The series itself is over, but I'm open to entertaining the idea of the side stories again