
Working on Chapter 43 of You deserve better. Updating soon :)


Hi Fimi, your fellow Nigerian here. Just saw your author note (I've been off Wattpad for a while). God is with you always. The spirit of depression does not belong in you as it cannot be found in Jesus. By His stripes, you are healed dear. The devil is already a defeated foe. He cannot do anything to you. You are more than a conqueror through Christ who strengthens you. If God is for you, who can be against you?


Hey Fimi,I just saw your author's note and I want to tell you that you have to fight it. Let me share this testimony with you,I recently came in contact with someone who is almost like Ace and also wants to change,I have been thinking of how I can help and the words I can tell him. Then I read your last update and I received the best way to talk to him. The words Eden spoke just gave me light and answers on how I can talk to the guy. So please,I  would encourage that you go back to the Holy Spirit and ask Him to help you and give you strength to fight that depression. It is just a trick of devil,he knows how many lives you are helping through this book,he knows that many souls would be helped through your book and he's seriously fighting it by making it seem your mental health can't continue. Fimi,you can do it ,go back to the author of your inspiration for this book and talk to Him,I'm sure He'll help you. I'll also be praying for you. You are strengthened in Jesus name.  I love youuu


Hey guys. 
          I want to thank all of you guys for encouraging and praying for me. I GOT MY WRITING CONFIDENCE BACK! I have been writing like crazy all glory be to the Lord. it feels so good to be invested in a story again. I hope you guys love the next few chapters i have ready for you. 
          I will update by tomorrow. thank you once again everyone 


@thatchristiangirlx that's amazing, it's good to have you back girl ❤️


glory to God ❤️❤️


Amennnnn we thank God I was just thinking about you earlier 


Hey everyone! 
          I know you guys have been waiting on an update for you deserve better. 
          I’m so sorry for the delay i have been seeing where to bring the book next this is the biggest writers block i have ever had lol, i am struggling to keep the book going but imma keep pushing for you guys. 
          The next few chapters may not have the best writing because I’m really struggling here but God is my strength :( 
          See you guys soon! 


You don’t even realize how your books has helped me in my walk with Christ, thank you❤️


Stay strong girl❤️and anything by you is still gooddd