
Hey guys! Just wanna let everybody know that’s reading TDLIR# that I will be gone for a week with no electronics and will not be able to post the new chapters until afterwards. When I get back I plan on uploading just as usual and maybe even extra! Thank you all for understanding and I will see you guys soon! <3


Hey guys! Just wanna let everybody know that’s reading TDLIR# that I will be gone for a week with no electronics and will not be able to post the new chapters until afterwards. When I get back I plan on uploading just as usual and maybe even extra! Thank you all for understanding and I will see you guys soon! <3


Hey guys! I just wanted to say thank you to who have started following me so far. I also wanted to apologize for taking forever to update my book, I've just been so busy. But now it's Christmas break! And surprisingly, I have nothing to do homework wise, so that = lots of writing! yay! I promise to start updating more often than usual and try to get to chapter 12 by the end of the break.that's my goal! luv you guys. Moogle on forever <3


@moogle_freak_1246 yay no problem and thx