
What are y'all's honest opinions on me? Be straight forward and don't sugarcoat it. I want some feedback on how I've been doing. Like if I need a new storyline for books, me as a person/writer overall, things to keep in mind as i transition to college for the first time ever, everything. I won't turn around and get mad since I am asking for honest opinions from everyone.


I think you’re sweet and you seem like a chill person you have a good personality due to your funny comments which makes you funny. Which is why I don’t know you but I like you 


@that1badmfka Well me personally I think ur a very sweet caring person!


What are y'all's honest opinions on me? Be straight forward and don't sugarcoat it. I want some feedback on how I've been doing. Like if I need a new storyline for books, me as a person/writer overall, things to keep in mind as i transition to college for the first time ever, everything. I won't turn around and get mad since I am asking for honest opinions from everyone.


I think you’re sweet and you seem like a chill person you have a good personality due to your funny comments which makes you funny. Which is why I don’t know you but I like you 


@that1badmfka Well me personally I think ur a very sweet caring person!


GUESS WHO JUST GOT ACCEPTED INTO Stanford University!? <33


@that1badmfka we get it life gets busy trust me we know 


@ that1badmfka  aww<33


@matt_girl44 @MattyBoo_ @StoryTellerAD Thank you so much!! I honestly couldn't have done it without you guys and I'm so grateful that you have the patience whenever I'm inactive on here <33


I didn't know both poem books were yours I have both in my library can't wait to read the other one. 


@that1badmfka if you go to my profile my stories on there it's called divine power


@BeautifulDionis omg yes please I would love to read it. Your voice deserves to be heard. I'm glad that you have your husband as a person in your life you can turn to. I'm thrilled that my poetry brings you life (you deserve to live it). With the social anxiety, I can understand because I am the similar boat. I'm also very proud that you know that you are not alone.


@that1badmfka I already have a story out it's called divine power if you want to read it. It's a rough draft of a story I have in my head. I'm not forcing anybody to read my story I just love to write and this story I have I'm very passionate about. But I love your poetry I can relate to your poetry and I think that's why I continuously go back to your poetry because a lot of your poetry I can see myself in. Especially when it comes to depression and anxiety I have really bad social anxiety. So I don't like to go places by myself. My husband does a lot of it and he's okay with that. But I've always had social anxiety. And it's horrible. So when I read your poetry it brings such life to me and makes me feel like what I'm going through in my life and everything I'm not alone and I love that