
Question could you do a lemon for transformers one shots and lemons one can you do that and can you put it as lockdown in like she's a teenager and she's with Optimus prime and she gets talking from Optimus prime when Optimus gets shot and got on spaceship and when the Autobots like like how the movie is but lockdown has some fun with her




That is really awesome!!!❤️


Exciting announcement! I am very excited to reveal that the cover for my debut novel 'A realm of fallen darkness' will be published next week! I am absolutely obsessed!!! My editor and I are almost done so it can be officially sent off to my beta readers!!! I will be revealing it both on my TikTok and Instagram. 
          That being said, I also updated 'The Storm' of my Sideswipe fanfiction. I wish I could do more, but right now I am super busy, however, I hope to also update some of my other stories and perhaps a couple of One-shots. I am terribly behind on them. I apologize to the people who have to wait for so long! 
          Have a great day/night


@tfp-fanfiction I'm in to read girl, miss you!!!!