
Okay fans, I posted the next chappie of Robotica Romance, so give it a read please.


          i wuldd thankk you frum the bottom of my heartt, but for you my heartt has no bottom :] 
          meaninq :: thankk you for becominq my fan! i know most people don't do this, but i just had to. && i need to thankk my fans for becominq a fan! you rockk & are the reason i write! :]
          i love you! not likk that...but you know whatt i mean!! but seriously, you made my day!! 


@lissie_starstrukk27  Your welcome for the tip. :) Yea, I was surprised about the awards cause when I look at what iv written, I think it sux. I know about the plot issue, and I agree about the similarities. I'm not sure what type of story I want, but I'm considering a romance, but it isn't set in stone. I think yours is vair unique, and for the title I like iloveyou.com best. :D


@texancoconut51 Wow thanks thats actually a really good tip and I think I'm gonna try that, thanks :D
          lol... you had me at awards! 
          you NEED to upload something on here, I can't wait to read it hehe :D
          hhmm... I dont know really, what sort of plot are you looking for? (I meant I dont know a plot, not that I wouldnt help you :P)
          I know what you mean, everything on here seems to be a big predictable and everyone is using a similar plot as existing stories.
          Thats why i'm trying to be unique with mine.. something different.
          I'm actually going to start on a new one pretty soon. Already got the chapters plotted and thats gonna be about a girl in love with an online boyfriend but shes not really unveiling the real her because of low self esteem. 
          I cant figure out whether I wanna call it "In love with my cyber boyfriend" or "Iloveyou.com" I'm not sure though lol 


@texancoconut51 Awwh, yeah I know what you mean and its only 9 in the morning and I'm already roasting like a chestnut xD
          and haha thank youuu :D
          I've been meaning to write some more for that but I just dont seem to have the motivation yet :S
          dont worry though I haven't given up on it, it'll just take me a couple of days to post. Might start writing later :)
          I have just written the wedding chapter last night and I really wanna post that now but theres so many to post inbetween lol :P
          Ahh well, glad you like it though :D