
hey bro erm about ur deux es machina fic.
          i genuinyl cried it was so emitonally moving 4 me i fjckng love you no homo platonic bro violently sobbing over it ur a good writer !!


@tentyphix maybe ill give it a shot sometime again soon !! @_@;


@bobo_boink You have no idea how bad I was when I started writing at 12 years old  I've been writing for more than 8 years now so I've kind of found my own style (though it keeps changing as time goes by). It's never too late to start any kind of creative activity if you really want to ! ^^


@bobo_boink i was so moved by it i was genuinely sobbing, ive never read or seen ANYTHING that made me so emotional and invested. yourr seriously amazing at writing i could only dreamm to be that good T0T