
Calvin swung the door open and flicked the still-lit cigarette into the night, where it glowed softly against the asphalt. “Damn, it’s dark out there.”
          	“I hate to be that bear, but-”
          	“Let me guess.” Calvin rolled his eyes. “No swearing.”
          	“Technically, yes, but swearing does not set off any fire alarms. Refrain from foul language around children and there’ll be no problem.”
          	“Can do.”
          	“Amazing!” The bear held out a hand. Calvin tentatively took it, and she shook it vigorously. “I’m Freya! It’s great to meet you. What’s your name, superstar?”
          	“Calvin. Calvin Harrison.”
          	Next chapter of the new part is up.


Calvin swung the door open and flicked the still-lit cigarette into the night, where it glowed softly against the asphalt. “Damn, it’s dark out there.”
          “I hate to be that bear, but-”
          “Let me guess.” Calvin rolled his eyes. “No swearing.”
          “Technically, yes, but swearing does not set off any fire alarms. Refrain from foul language around children and there’ll be no problem.”
          “Can do.”
          “Amazing!” The bear held out a hand. Calvin tentatively took it, and she shook it vigorously. “I’m Freya! It’s great to meet you. What’s your name, superstar?”
          “Calvin. Calvin Harrison.”
          Next chapter of the new part is up.


Gary didn’t say anything. He simply handed Calvin a newspaper and pointed to an ad at the bottom. It was eye-poppingly colorful and stood out like a sore thumb amid the black-and-white print of the paper. The logo slathered across the top screamed ‘Freya’s Superstar Convention.’ Calvin groaned. “Really? There?”
          “Did you read it?”
          “Gary, I don’t want to be a janitor for some overinflated arcade-”
          “Just read the stupid ad.”
          Calvin rolled his eyes. “Fine. Freya’s Superstar Convention. Where friendship and fun come to life. Wanted: Happy, fun-loving faces to- are you goddamn serious?”
          First chapter of the new part is up. If you weren't already guessing it, this part will be my take on Security Breach and Ruin.


          Been a while, hasn't it?
          I won't sugarcoat it. At this point, this account is irrelevant. I've moved away from fanfictions and moved towards novels I can really publish. It's bittersweet, but this portion of my writing journey has run its course. 
          But I'm not one to just fade away. If I'm going out - and I am - I'm gonna go out with a bang. 
          So here's what I'm going to do, for anyone still here. I'm going to take what I believe to be my fanfiction magnum opus, The Events of the Convention, and not only give it a touch up with a few ideas I've had since... but add an entirely new part. I don't know how long this will take, or if anyone will care, but my intention is to finish it by the end of summer. It'll be one final hurrah, a last farewell to all the people who helped me find one of my favorite things. 
          Thank you for your patience and your kind words. I'll try and finish this soon.
          - T.C. Williams


@tc_williams o7 my goat we will be reading when it comes out


Sad to see you go, but I’m super glad you found your calling!


Editing the first 20 chapters of Sierra Nevada. In case you haven't read the redone description of the book, I want to change it from a fanfic to an original story. It's not that similar to Fallout. So I'm changing it. That'll probably make it less popular, but I don't care very much.