
Happy 11th Anniversary!!!! ❤️ #bangtan #borahae 


@tbr_tales happy bangtan day! Borahae


@tbr_tales Happy 11th anniversary UwU


@tbr_tales happy 11th anniversary ARMY!! 


ˢᵘᵍᵃʳ'ˢ ˡᵒᵛᵉ ˢᵖᵃᵐ
          Does the noise of people that surround you feel too silent sometimes? Even when you're surrounded by a crowd, can't help but feel lonely? I think there's no way one can escape from feeling these emotions once in a while. Even if you try, it's inevitable. What matters the most is, knowing and believing there's still someone out there who really cares for you and it's true. Maybe it's a bit faint, but there's still always a small amount of warmth in the cold air of winter. There's always a dry corner on the earth somewhere even in rainy days, when the sun is hidden all day. There's still a pool of cold water somewhere, even in the summer afternoons. There's still sky above your head and ground beneath your feet. Lift your chin up! Only when you dare to believe, dare to be brave, dare to hope, this shall pass too.


          Yes, I agree. AI generated work is just not up to par with original plots that are from a ‘real’ imagination. 
          It just quickly turns into a plain, flavourless thing that shouldn’t even be called a book, let alone let someone take credit for something they didn’t even make.
          It’s very fair that you’d give the same amount of care to look at their book the same way they’ve put their effort into it. 
          There’s a lot to wonder about as to why they’d hand it in for publishing when they know very well that not a single piece of the plot, or even sometimes the writing is actually created by them.


@Yeontanaaaaaaa the real problem is people are not using their wonderful brains to think. Sometimes i come across applications where writers are clearing using AI and Chatgpt stuff to generate content and it is so damn visible. Any decent editor can differentiate between human written content and those stupid AI plots just by looking at first paragraph. Next thing... we'll toss your work to trash without thinking twice. Now as much I hate writing mails that says "sorry to inform you that we cannot publish your work..." After a point I can only give as much attention to a book as the author has given it. In this case, none at all. 


Happy 11th Anniversary!!!! ❤️ #bangtan #borahae 


@tbr_tales happy bangtan day! Borahae


@tbr_tales Happy 11th anniversary UwU


@tbr_tales happy 11th anniversary ARMY!! 


          I am doing good, how about you? 
          Can I expect a new book anytime soon? 


@tbr_tales I am glad to see you back just for now, I too find it difficult to find time for here due to other tasks on my plate. 


@boraaurora I'm good too.... Not for the upcoming few months as I'll focus more on the rest + i already have this ongoing job. Somehow Wattpad slipped down on my priority list pretty fast but I'll still remain active here