
this message may be offensive
Playin fallout 4. Getting through sublevels of Massachusetts State House on Very Hard difficulty, level three. Fucking torture. Many quicksaves. Wasted all my ammo.
          	Finally unlock gates in basement.
          	Mirelurk Queen Spawns.


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Playin fallout 4. Getting through sublevels of Massachusetts State House on Very Hard difficulty, level three. Fucking torture. Many quicksaves. Wasted all my ammo.
          Finally unlock gates in basement.
          Mirelurk Queen Spawns.


Yeah bitch we won the superbowl (100% scripted)


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@tanksverymuch but Chiefs are dirty Nick Bosa got fucking picked up and no holding call


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@tanksverymuch its okay im a Cowboys fan so id honestly rather see the hype/entertainment of a Chiefs dub instead of a fucking Niners win


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Anyone ever been to Casey's? Convenience Store chain in the Midwest, from about Ohio to Kansas. 
          I gotta say, they got some of the best food I've ever fucking eaten. I'm not a food critic, and never will be, but this shit must be fried in some sort of greasy nectar. The pizza is amazing. The old wings were great. But the Chicken sandwiches, at least my local ones, are utterly fucking divine.


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I am so fucking pissed. When I look up pjo time travel fanfiction or ao3 or fucking ahit like that I DON'T WANT TO READ A STUPID, UNIMAGINATIVE, BORING, BRAIN DEAD, DONE A MILLION FUCKING TIMES, DOGSHIT, COMPLETELY UNREALISTIC EVEN FOR THE FANDOM, CUNT LICKING FIC WHERE THEY READ THE ORIGINAL BOOKS TO AN AUDIENCE. WHY IS THIS A THING AT ALL FOR FUCK'S SAKE. I genuinely cannot imagine anyone without a botched lobotomy finding that garbage interesting. Fuck you. And the writers? Ripping off the entire book while imagining characters reaction to it has gotta be the lowest, laziest, most despicable tiers out there. I've seen multiple Fandoms do it, and they all. Suck. Ass. And the harem ones are the worst. Two shifty tropes, all on one thing. How the fucking hell does that even work?!?! HOW WOULD YOU BOND ENOUGH DURING A READING OF CANON EVENTS TO PURSUE A ROMANTIC RELATIONSHIP!?! I've even seen first of this happening to OTHER WRITER'S work. As in reactions of Canon or non-canin characters to other fanfictions. That's even worse imo. Stop piggybacking off other writer's fame to get hit and reviews.  At least Chaos can be done creatively, even if it's not about 100% of the time.
          Anybody who writes this is lazy and retarded. Think of something good instead of wasting your time.


Do I come off as pissed or do I need more?


Guess what? Got my right thumb caught in between a metal bender machine thing, and it split the nail and part of the flesh in half. Lmfao. Hurts like a bitch


@GeneralJesus that woulda been slightly cooler at least


Poor man's Garand Thumb


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Delved deep into some of the pre-canon star wars shit...Holy. fuck. Abaddon, the first sith Emperor, Scourge, Revan, Revan 2, Revan 3: split in half, Bane...I haven't even looked at the wars before that. Like the Great Hyperspace War, or the first few Jedi-Sith wars. Not too mention the Rakata...some much history was been utterly lost to the current generation, its insane.


Current generation of people in the SW universe I mean