
Part of me is cackling, and the other part is so scared that it's cowering in a corner.
          	Do any of you actually believe this? There is medical and scientific proof that can easily diss this article, but if anyone does believe in this can I ask why? Aren't christians supposed to love and "treat thy neighbor as thyself"? I'm a baptist if anything, but I dabble in sorcery and the supernatural. Does that make me evil? My faith isn't concrete, does that make me bad? I'm a transgender male, does that make me a liar and a falsity? Am I nothing but another fake statistic as a sixteen year old boy who's uncomfortable in his skin and wishes that he could fix it? Am I wrong in thinking that god will fix it? Should I just give up on god because he's given up on me? I don't think that Jesus was ever real, does that make me the big bad guy? I believe in the gods of ancient Egypt more than the Latin idea of the lord, does that make me a satinist? I don't get all of the religious fanatics. I feel like the idea of a god watching over us is just to make us feel less alone, but hey, that's just me. There must be something up there, but some huge dude granting our wishes with a snap of his magic fingers? C'mon now. You get things through hard work and sacrifice, there's no bones to be said about that. Nothing supernatural is watching out for you in particular unless you do something bigger than fold your hands and pray on your knees.


I believe in whatever stands for me. For now that's the Egyptian gods. I enjoy relating them to Christianity, and helps me to understand how people can become so involved in their falsity that they hurt others and disregard the fact that you know yourself better than anyone else.


I'm very sorry if I hurt anyone's feelings, but please. If there really was anybody out there then my mom wouldn't have been beat as a child. My aunt's parents wouldn't have died and left her alone even though she's the sweetest person on the planet. I wouldn't feel so wrong in the body that I was born in. The god that modern Christians speak of is benevolent and grand, not cruel and malformed.


Part of me is cackling, and the other part is so scared that it's cowering in a corner.
          Do any of you actually believe this? There is medical and scientific proof that can easily diss this article, but if anyone does believe in this can I ask why? Aren't christians supposed to love and "treat thy neighbor as thyself"? I'm a baptist if anything, but I dabble in sorcery and the supernatural. Does that make me evil? My faith isn't concrete, does that make me bad? I'm a transgender male, does that make me a liar and a falsity? Am I nothing but another fake statistic as a sixteen year old boy who's uncomfortable in his skin and wishes that he could fix it? Am I wrong in thinking that god will fix it? Should I just give up on god because he's given up on me? I don't think that Jesus was ever real, does that make me the big bad guy? I believe in the gods of ancient Egypt more than the Latin idea of the lord, does that make me a satinist? I don't get all of the religious fanatics. I feel like the idea of a god watching over us is just to make us feel less alone, but hey, that's just me. There must be something up there, but some huge dude granting our wishes with a snap of his magic fingers? C'mon now. You get things through hard work and sacrifice, there's no bones to be said about that. Nothing supernatural is watching out for you in particular unless you do something bigger than fold your hands and pray on your knees.


I believe in whatever stands for me. For now that's the Egyptian gods. I enjoy relating them to Christianity, and helps me to understand how people can become so involved in their falsity that they hurt others and disregard the fact that you know yourself better than anyone else.


I'm very sorry if I hurt anyone's feelings, but please. If there really was anybody out there then my mom wouldn't have been beat as a child. My aunt's parents wouldn't have died and left her alone even though she's the sweetest person on the planet. I wouldn't feel so wrong in the body that I was born in. The god that modern Christians speak of is benevolent and grand, not cruel and malformed.