
Over a year later I had posted a chapter to The F You Diaries!


YOU GUYS! It's been so long since my last chapter posted of TFYD but I literally lost my USB and was freaking out!! BUT - obviously I found it and I have posted chapter 17! check it out! give it some love! 
          And because I lost it, the next two chapters are uploaded as a draft so I don't waste time posting again lol...
          I also am off school for the winter break, so I will be writing to have enough chapters up for you guys during the next semester and I think you'll like it ;) My book is finally going where I wanted it to go and it's so exciting!!! 
          ANYWAYS! Go check out the new chapter and give it some love!


          I have posted a new chapter of TFYD! I have also have the next one ready to post as soon as I write one more chapter.
          With a New Chapter comes New Surprises. 
          Please Read and Vote for more Chapters :) Since Summer means more time to write, that means more frequent uploads so please vote on my story so I know y'all want more :)
          Thank you all for reading <3


          Sorry I haven't posted in a while... I've had exams, my computer getting sent in for repairs for it to be actually dead and the wait to get a new one. I do have the next chapter of TFYD written, I just want to write one before I post it. I should have time off work on Sunday to be able to do that so expect a chapter of that being posted soon! 
          Thank you all for reading <3


SURPRISE! It's me again!
          I have no idea if you have noticed, but I am recently posting a lot more frequently... this means that exams are coming up and I am procrastinating by making content.
          Exams are next month, so I will try and post again very soon. I have this new system that is actually working really well. Basically I write two chapters and post one. Then I post the next one after I write another chapter... No idea if it makes sense you you, but it makes sense to me and it's working for me lol.
          This means I have 3 new parts to The F You Diaries since the last time I sent out a message.... and ya'll should read them! I am also thinking of writing another short story soon. I have no idea what about yet, but I miss posting them so I shall write one lol.
          Anyways, that is all! Thanks again for putting up with me!!


New Part 6 of The F You Diaries is UP! I did decide to re-write after Part 5 (The Cran-Lemonade Thirst Is Real) so please check that out! I am going to continue the story this way for it to make more sense and for it to make more sense for myself lol. I prefer continuing it the way I wanted to because I am more excited to continue the story now for you guys! 
          Thanks Again!


SO UPDATE! I know I posted 40 minutes ago talking about how I didn't have anything to give you, BUT I LIED (I guess I am sorry)
          I have this new thing up for The F You Diaries that contains any Outtakes/Extras/Bonus Chapters or things that I decided to rewrite in the official story. So please check that out as a gift from me to you! 
          There may be more added depending if I want to totally re-write the book again from "The Cran-Lemonade Thirst Is Real". I just don't think I like where the story is going right now, and it's not fun to write anymore this way. So I think I may just rewrite from after Part 5 and continue where I originally wanted it to go. Sorry for any inconvenience! BUT you will still be able to read the parts on that new Outtakes book for TFYD, so be sure to stay tuned! (I will send an update out as soon as I know whats going on lol)
          THANK YOU !!!


          I updated The F You Diaries with that new chapter I told you about.
          I updated Fearless Love with the second last chapter I wrote (Not being continued after the last chapter is posted --- sorry!! <3)
          I also added a new short story type thing! I came up with the idea at 1am last night (or this morning if you are being technical) so I decided I should post it... So check that out! [Does Not Exist]
          Um I think that's all for now! I will try to write more of the F You Diaries over Christmas break and maybe continue with the short story stuff again when I have some free time and some inspiration !
          Love y'all !! <3


AHH! Guys! I'm sorry I have been so vacant the last couple of months... I have been busy with school, work, summer life, school again, and more school. 
          I will try to work on some chapters of the F You Diaries over the Christmas Holidays... for now though I do have a new chapter written that I did at the start of my summer vacation... don't want to spoil it, but it's kinda good. I think i'm going to skip over Violets life that would have happened during the summer, and get into some more good stuff ;) e.g. more boy issues, some drama, so get your cups of tea ready. 
          I shall be back starting December 20th 2016 ish... until January (I'll try to write a bunch so i can most more frequently, and then also be able to write a few chapters before school gets tough again mid January) 
          <3 you all! and I hope you allow me back into your book reading lives and accept my sincerest apologies for being a shitty writer and shitty keeping up (you all were kinda sorta warned though ;) )


I also updated the F You Diaries!! If you have already read after The Cran-Thirst is Real, I suggest you go back and re read because I changed it up a bit and fixed it to match my writing prior to this year... Thanks !! 
          Happy Reading :)