
Sorry to everyone who are waiting for the update of " Whipped For My Baby" as there isn't any update from the last 5-6 months because there have been personal problems going on and the edited story which I kept as a draft has been gone or deleted suddenly which I don't know....The months of hard work which I have done are gone and now I don't know what to do...
          	So please kindly give me some time to think about what I can do and how to start again.....
          	Extremely sorry to my viewers...


@tagesunku waiting patiently on you. I know your comeback will be great 


Sorry to everyone who are waiting for the update of " Whipped For My Baby" as there isn't any update from the last 5-6 months because there have been personal problems going on and the edited story which I kept as a draft has been gone or deleted suddenly which I don't know....The months of hard work which I have done are gone and now I don't know what to do...
          So please kindly give me some time to think about what I can do and how to start again.....
          Extremely sorry to my viewers...


@tagesunku waiting patiently on you. I know your comeback will be great 


Hai writer,
          Its been along time that i dont get any update from you about the new chapter.. Hope to hear from you soon. 


@ ShikinZaidi  owh i'm sorry. . I glad to hear that you are fine now. 


@ShikinZaidi I'm really sorry for not updating as I was sick and hospitalized but now I'm fine and I am writing the longest last chapter and it' might be a little late but I will try to finish soon