
// sorry about inactivity, promise I will get to repplies (for real) :')


// it was this or a rose Wilson - or zombies - very into zombies at the moment


// Boo - drop something


[ @tagbxts ]
                    in republic city ,   and the earth kingdom ,   alcohol was a rarity .   as such ,   it was very expensive  ..  and in korra's opinion ,   not very good .   she didn't mind the burn ,   but she found the taste gross .   so when she discovered cocktails in gotham  ..  she may have had one too many .   that much was made abundantly clear ,   given the fact that the world around her was spinning ,   and how foggy her brain felt .
                   now ,   having had the mental clarity to get the hell out of the bar ,   korra found herself laying down on the top of a building .   the lights of the city were way too bright for her right now .   still ,   she recognized those footsteps anywhere .     "   ugh  ..  not now ,   nightwing .   unless the world is falling apart ,   i'm done with fighting criminals for the night .   "


            "I'm not here to do that, I wanted to know that you're still alive," the vigilante answered as he looked around. "Wouldn't you prefer that I leave you in a hotel or something? You know, somewhere that's not out in the open?"


well … yous lost the green undie things so … this is a better costume !


( @tagbxts ) poo … that makes everything else more difficult !!


            Yes—yes... I think it's an improvement, especially the part about it being bulletproof...


"grayson!" he spat while rushing into the room. pointing an accusing finger in the others direction, face shifted into an angered scowl. "where is it? where did you put it!?" moving forward to be able to take ahold of his shirt, tugging him down to his height. "where did you place my sword? father demanded I take a break from it but / you / would be the only idiot foolish enough to actually take it!" 


            "father denied having possession of it and other than cleaning it pennyworth has not been near it! I / am / better but .. " he trailed off , lips slightly curling down into a frown.
            "I still demand your assistance. it holds great value and losing it is not acceptable! you hold more authority than I .. perhaps that will give an advantage to the search." hesitating quite openly before walking forward , hand twitching upwards as if to grab onto the other before deciding against it.
            "I would not appreciate the lecture , only because I am quite certain it is engraved into my mind."


            "First of all—I don't know where your sword is, are you sure Bruce didn't hide it, did you ask Alfred? I mean, since you're better than Sherlock, I'm sure you can figure it out without help." Dick fixed his hair in front of a mirror as he spoke, while he thought about what to answer.
            "I know it's metaphorical, don't worry, I wasn't thinking about giving you a talk about human worth because..." Grayson turned around so he could look at Damian "...Because I know you wouldn't appreciate it in any way"


            oddly enough the comment of 'sherlock' has him stalling in his tracks. "do not compare me to that simpleton. my detective abilities far surpass his." the bite back was practically instinctual. the normal push and shove wrapped into his bundle of normal.
            "well if it was not you then who else would it be?! I will not rest until I have their blood .. " hands balling into fists at his side. after a second he paused and quickly shook his head. "metaphorically of course. do not bore me with another lecture of human worth."


[ @tagbxts ]
                    "   so ,   uh .   spandex ?   can't say that would have been my first choice  ..  how can you even fight in that ?   "


[ @tagbxts ]
                      korra's cheeks flushed slightly .   he was right ,   she was rushing ,   and that embarrassed her .     "   you're right ,   sorry .   normally i'm a lot more composed than this .   "     she sighed ,   crossing her arms ,   and following them .   she needed a second to clear her head ,   this city was messing with her .     "   lead the way .   "


            "You're rushing, Korra. It's not the real address, it's a false lead to mislead the police because at this address there is only an old abandoned ceramics factory, the real address... it could be any other" he proceeded to put the card in his belt pocket
            "Come on, I know where to find them."


[ @tagbxts ]
                      "   a card ?   really ?   talk about cliche .   also ,   what kind of criminal keeps a card to his  / secret /  hideout on them ?   i swear ,   criminals in your town are really  ..  stupid .   how are things this out of control ?   no offense .   "     as she droned on about the stupidity of criminals ,   korra used her foot to flip one of the  knocked out criminals onto their backs in a lazy attempt to search for more information .